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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 12, 2018 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn on the one hand and by the lingering influences of yesterday on the other. For this reason, a rather special quality of energy continues to prevail, whereby our own state of being and, above all, the associated creation of a state of consciousness can be in the foreground, where balance prevails.

Review yesterday

daily energyIn this context, I would like to go back to yesterday and describe my experiences. First of all, it should be said again that this day did not necessarily have to be experienced as extraordinary, similar to what was the case on December 21st, 12 (beginning of the apocalyptic years, apocalypse = unveiling/revelation – original reason/apparent system). Of course, these are special days that bring with them a corresponding energy peak, but they ultimately announce the beginning of a new phase, which has a particular impact on subsequent days/weeks/months. Nevertheless, you can of course also experience a special intensity on such days. Something similar happened to me yesterday. The weather was very gloomy/rainy the entire day (classic Haarp weather) and at the same time I wasn't particularly up to speed either. Nevertheless, I took care of some errands and was able to put a few things into action, despite my rather low mood. Towards the evening my inner mood flared up and I was completely out of balance. It was a “crazy” situation and all the moods, baggage and conflicts seemed to flood my mental state. So I walked around my room afterwards, talking loudly to myself and wondering what was going on. I looked back over the past few weeks/months, experienced all the ideas and perceived everything extremely intensively. Sometimes I fell into all the addictive patterns for a brief moment and felt overwhelmed.

High-energy days can be experienced in completely different ways. Of course, our own individual state of being flows into this. Every person therefore always experiences completely different aspects and experiences unique experiences..!! 

But then came a huge “change”. As has often been mentioned in past daily energy articles, in the past few weeks I have experienced a wide variety of states of consciousness, i.e. in particular to a massively contradictory extent.

From lethargy to balance

daily energyThere were moments when I was emotionally depressed and a moment later I felt like I had been changed and suddenly completely anchored in the “now” without having to worry about anything. This time it was the same again, only with much greater intensity. After I was completely out of my mind and all the emotions were pouring down on me, I pulled myself together to do a sporting session despite this situation. Something that I often do to get out of such a state. So I put on my running shoes and went for a late run. I really exhausted myself and did a few sprints. Afterwards I arrived home, felt significantly better (even though the session was very exhausting) and thought about whether I should do another strength training session. I went into the relevant room, thought it was too much and left again. But suddenly I was overcome with ambition and thought to myself “what the heck, just do it”. As a result, to my surprise, I completed a very hard dumbbell training session and suddenly felt, once again, how all my burden was lifted off me. It was as if I were training out all the mental inconsistencies, as if the disharmonious energy flows of the past few hours were leaving my body. An incredible experience and suddenly I was mentally alert and full of inner balance. Well, I've had experiences like this very often, especially with "jogging/sprints" and dumbbell training (as I said, reported again and again), but this time the experience was a lot more intense/clarifying. Afterwards I was completely relieved, full of inner peace and contentment. A special experience that made it clear to me once again how beneficial a hard workout can be and, above all, how much it can change your own mental orientation (of course I can't generalize this or present it as a general solution, everyone needs something like this individual creator, his own personal charms that can bring him out of such a state).

There are a variety of ways to change your own state of consciousness or to initiate a change in your own mind through appropriate activities. Since we all represent a completely individual creation and also embody a completely individual truth, it is always important to set our own stimuli and, above all, to discover our own possibilities. Nobody knows you as well as you do. In the same way, we all go our own way of unveiling, overcoming and mastering..!!

Ultimately it was a very important experience and for me personally it once again illustrated the intensity of the 11-11-11 energies. Well then, otherwise let me say that these were my personal experiences of the 11-11-11 day and I would really be interested to know how you perceived this day and what happened to you. Maybe you experienced similar moods or the day was similar to any other day. I'm really looking forward to your experiences. 🙂 Well, finally, I would like to point out again that the next few days will also be quite busy, because we will have another portal day on November 14th. It therefore remains “exciting”. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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