Today's daily energy on June 12, 2019 is still shaped by the moon, which in turn has been in the zodiac sign Libra since yesterday night and thereby puts all interpersonal relationships in the foreground. This is particularly about all of our relationships, which ultimately represent the relationship with ourselves (everything is a mirror of our inner world) to reconcile.
Using the power of your imagination – reaching abundance
Ultimately, this aspect is also very closely linked to the current 5D manifestation, i.e. it is all about the manifestation of a state of consciousness that is completely connected to the natural abundance and the natural also includes a harmonious bond with oneself and that in turn works with harmonious ones interpersonal relationships. At the end of the day, the bond/connection to yourself is extremely important and is constantly reflected on the outside. After all, it is incredibly important to believe in yourself, especially since you yourself are the origin of everything, the only decisive truth, your own path or your own inner creative space. And the return to oneself automatically leads to everything coming into harmony, because that corresponds to our origin - harmony. For this reason, today we can use the energies of the Libra Moon to bring our inner world into greater harmony. And believe me friends, bringing our entire inner world into harmony is currently easier than ever, apart from the Libra Moon influences. The extremely strong and accelerated manifestation potential, combined with the primal energy “ruling” in the background, literally catapults us into corresponding states and demands that we adapt to the circumstances.
What all comes down to is understanding that there is no future at all and that the true meaning of life is to explore moments of the eternal NOW. – Alan Watts..!!
We now have by far the best opportunities not only to make our dreams come true, but also to initiate harmony on all levels of existence. The magic is indescribable. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂