Today's daily energy is characterized by an extremely powerful and, above all, overarching event, because today an extremely luminous astrological configuration is manifested, i.e. a highly special and, above all, rarely occurring conjunction (especially in the form - other planets that work with), namely the Saturn/Pluto conjunction (Beginning at 09:04 a.m. - a very rare conjunction that always became manifest at times when special historical events/phases and co. took place),
Powerful Saturn/Pluto conjunction
In this context, there is even talk of a global planetary energy increase or activation, through which a violent light/high frequency will fundamentally change our planet. The old 3D Matrix (a collective state of consciousness based on old structures - thought patterns, beliefs, lack structures, ignorance, fears and disharmony) will therefore be shaken to its very foundations and an incredible amount of space will be created for truth and awakening. The event was even picked up on by a great many sides and truly represents the beginning of a structure-changing journey. As far as this is concerned, I would also like to quote a very exciting text from an unknown source (if you have the right source for this, then let me know , I will link them here):
“In January 2020, at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, a massive planetary energy activation is scheduled to take place on Earth. At this time the planetary Solar Plexus Chakra at Uluru (formerly Ayre's Rock) and Kata Tjuta in Central Australia is fully activated. Aboriginal lore tells of a ritual in the Dreamtime that was interrupted and never completed. This ritual was to fulfill the great plan of the earth spirit. Once the ritual is complete, "perfection will spread across the world." In other words, this ritual opens the way from the 4th to the 5th world consciousness. “This event is symbolized by a great pole or cosmic umbilical cord connecting the earth to the sun. This cable is predicted to begin functioning in 2020 AD at the time of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction.
Together, Uluru and Kata Tjuta form the Solar Plexus Chakra of the world. This is the primary chakra for maintaining the overall health and vitality of the planet and all living things. When things are not right here, the entire world system suffers. It is now time for this to be cured. The healing began in October 2019 when a total ban on climbing the most sacred site of Uluru was imposed.
According to Robert Coon, author of The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail, this powerful activation will also include an explosion of divine light and energy through the planet's song (ley) lines, which interconnect all of the major chakras of the earth. and most notably one of the main energy arteries/song lines referred to by Aboriginal people as the Rainbow Serpent (representing to many the Divine Feminine Energy). This line starts at Uluru (solar plexus) and goes through Bali (world purification center), to Glastonbury (heart and third eye chakras), to Lake Titicaca (sacral chakra) and back to Uluru.
The January 2020 planetary event is indeed a rare quadruple conjunction involving Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun. The previously interrupted ceremony will culminate in the reactivation of planet Earth's solar umbilical cord with the Sun and at lower levels with the Great Central Sun. This in turn will help create an archetypal communication between sun and earth so that we can better implement a "golden age".
A few weeks ago, one of our group members received the message, “It's time to tap within.” She was shown bubbles of light building around the two energy centers of Uluru and Kata Tjuta. She could see Aboriginal people singing this energy into a bubble, then water burst out of an amniotic sac. A pale blue crystalline light and then a purple light formed around it. She was told that some Aboriginal DNA vibrates and contributes to birth/activation.
We ask people to send energy to the Ngaltawaddi ceremony taking place on January 12, 2020 in Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia and imagine the cosmic umbilical cord being healed.”
Well, today, therefore, an extremely violent conjunction is being manifested that will impact our planet for 1 year and in doing so, in time for the start of the golden decade, will lead humanity onto an entirely new/conscious path. We will therefore experience violent circumstances this year - some even speak of the beginning of a new financial system that will now, this year, experience an incipient manifestation.
The year 2020 will be a year of the triple Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction which occurs approximately every 700 years and last occurred when the Templars established their banking network..!!
But what exactly will happen remains to be seen. Either way, something gigantic is now heading towards us and will completely realign the world. This year will truly change everything!! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Attached is the source of the transmitted information ceremony event.
kind regards IW