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Today's daily energy on April 12, 2021 is mainly characterized by the influences of today's new moon in the zodiac sign Aries, which in turn will become fully manifest tonight at 04:34 a.m. and gives us an energy quality that is completely geared towards new beginnings. In this context, the whole of today will be dedicated to this new quality of energy. After all, the frequency field of new and full moons in particular affects us 1-2 days before and after. Only then does the influence of the waxing moon slowly begin to affect us.

Complete energy of new beginnings

new moonUltimately, we will experience the full energy of the new moon this night and especially tomorrow and can lay the perfect foundation for new structures, circumstances, ideas and corresponding actions. As already mentioned, this new moon is in the sign of Aries. In this regard, Aries also represents the first star sign in the zodiac and therefore marks the new beginning of the lunar cycle. And beyond that, Aries energy tends to go hand in hand with an increased openness to new circumstances and can also activate greater willpower within ourselves. In this regard, increasing our own willpower is also a fundamental aspect that we should take advantage of. Within today's system, in keeping with the suppression of our divine spirit/God self, we are consciously exposed to circumstances through which we in turn experience a weakening of our own willpower. We indulge in various addictions, harmful and, above all, lazy habits and thus promote a mental state in which our own willpower is less developed. But ultimately strong willpower goes hand in hand with incredible magic; it truly allows us to move mountains. We all know that if you overcome yourself, for example if you go running every day from now on, then it will strengthen your spirit immensely. Regardless of the length and intensity of this daily act, we ourselves are simply happy that we have overcome ourselves to do this strenuous activity. We also know that running every day purifies our mind/body/spirit system and keeps it fit. We are aware of the advantages. Just this awareness of the health benefits, along with the improved self-image (because you are proud of yourself), in turn, positiveizes one's entire mental spectrum (Better self-image = Better living conditions on the outside - As on the inside, so on the outside). This new attitude to life alone has an improved influence on all of the body's own cells.

+++Let yourself be completely drawn into the magic of nature again. Experience a journey into a world that not only teaches you how to care for yourself, but also offers incredible healing. A course for the new era – for a golden world+++

In addition, we have increased willpower within us, which makes it easier for us to integrate other harmonious actions into our minds. In exactly the same way, it is then easier for us to use our increased and powerful willpower to realize a reality that in turn corresponds to our ideas (YOUR WILL HAPPEN – Our own will drives us and truly makes worlds come to life. Great willpower creates great worlds). Well, today's new moon in the zodiac sign Aries comes at a good time and can encourage us to increase our own willpower accordingly. As I said, new moons and especially the zodiac sign Aries primarily represent NEW BEGINNINGS, which is why a very powerful energy quality reaches us in this regard. Only in the evening does the moon change again to the zodiac sign Taurus and from then on slowly but surely initiates the waxing moon. Nevertheless, the new moon energy will resonate across the board and give us a special day. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Francesca Trummer 12. April 2021, 10: 44

      I believe in the magical energy of the new moon and hope that it will give me some relief from 10 years of COPD 3

    Francesca Trummer 12. April 2021, 10: 44

    I believe in the magical energy of the new moon and hope that it will give me some relief from 10 years of COPD 3
