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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on May 11, 2021 is not only influenced by the still open portal (Energies of the third portal day), but also from the renewing and, above all, groundbreaking influences of today's new moon in the zodiac sign Taurus, which in turn becomes manifest at 21:02 p.m. and not only encourages us to break new ground, but also asks us to let a completely new state of consciousness come true, i.e. a state of consciousness beyond our comfort zone, settled in the sacred divine realm.

divine connection

divine connectionAfter the last extremely strong full moon (we remember the past super full moon, which brought with it a veritable wave of upheaval) everything now flows into this renewed new moon, which wants to draw us into new states/circumstances, especially because of the Taurus zodiac sign. After all, with the Taurus zodiac sign we like to stay in our own comfort zone and love to follow habits, even if they are disharmonious, but just comfortable in nature. On the other hand, the bull can also make us extremely persistent. And especially on new moons, this constellation wants to get us completely out of frozen states. The portal day circumstance, along with the general high shifting May energies, is therefore showing us avenues more than ever before to in turn initiate the manifestation of a sacred state of consciousness. At this point it should also be said that we as creators ourselves are truly capable of working miracles. Because of our creative powers, which we exercise every day, we are able to enable ourselves to create a circumstance in which we are completely centered and thereby attract immeasurable happiness. Happiness or abundance and all associated states of fulfillment are ALWAYS permanently linked to God's self. Life ultimately shapes itself according to the alignment of our inner world. Only when we allow God or the purity of the Christ state to move into our inner world, only then do we also permanently create a world in which these values ​​flourish. You want to see a world or even experience a life of bliss, abundance, peace, justice, love, bliss and divinity, i.e. you want to experience a life of maximum redemption/fulfillment, then this can only happen through yourself, in which you revive these states in you. God only returns when we let God come alive in our inner world or in our spirit.

Which image would you like to acknowledge as truth?

The image of yourself forms the external reality. Therefore let the supreme reality come to life, see yourself as pure consciousness that has created all images of reality itself (or has e.g. someone else is creating the situation you are reading this article in - apply that to your entire life, has another image ever come to life for you? Has anyone else ever seen/experienced through your mind? No matter which idea or which view is brought before your eyes, this also ultimately represents only an image that has just emerged from you and you can recognize as truth for yourself) and thereby has the opportunity to acknowledge oneself and the outer world as Source/God. When this supreme self-image is accepted, then inevitably the outer world automatically reshapes and gradually adapts to this state. In addition, this state is pure healing for your entire mind/body/spirit system. spirit rules over matter. One's own spirit affects all cells. Anger or even a small self-image, in turn, puts a strain on one's own organism, illnesses can become manifest, and the aging process takes place. In turn, deep healing takes place through the divine self-image, just that one's own cells are constantly supplied with the information God/holiness in relation to the divine image of oneself is incredibly inspiring, why should a smaller image be accepted, why should you too view the outer world or each person as smaller or, better said, do not wish for the greatest possible conditions.


CREATE A DIVINE WORLDUltimately, only the devil/the dark would want that (moreover, a field that also exists within ourselves and could be lived out), meaning that we make ourselves small, that we cower and do not find God, that we keep ourselves captive in a self-made earthly limitation. The state of God, which in turn originates from one's own self and can be permanently spiritually traveled through, brings the highest salvation. Ultimately, it is also the path that leads to maximum purity, i.e. the perfect development of the state of Christ consciousness. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.” Away from the countless levels of this passage that one could now travel through, a very profound and true core stands out here. We can let God or the Father come to life alone with our spirit or by changing our spirit, but only the absolutely pure circumstance of life becomes available to us, i.e. a state in which on the one hand God is manifest and on the other hand one is free from all vices and harmful behaviors , blockages, unnatural lifestyles and judgmental thoughts or even malicious actions, divine ecstasy and maximum basic trust (if you have the divine self-image but get drunk tomorrow night, you will never feel divine the next morning but much more groggy). The Christ Consciousness state, then, is truly the key to being able to continually sense God/divinity on all planes of being (And of course, once you begin to accept the supreme "I am Presence," you will be guided more and more toward the Christ state). And that is exactly what the system or the NWO fears most of all. We should all focus on vaccination, on wars, suffering, division and the like, so that on the one hand we harm ourselves by traveling to these worlds, but on the other hand we energetically charge these worlds and keep them alive. Energy always follows our own attention. Nothing fears the dark more than turning to our loved ones, divine states, purity and love.

Use the new moon, master yourself!!

The highest self-image, - the manifestation of God within each self, maximum and permanently felt with every cell through the condition of Christ, is what should be prevented with all power. A person who has awakened to God can no longer be controlled by the system and is also a great danger. And especially in the current days, there is a great war going on in this regard. It is a war over our state of consciousness in which we all focus on negative news and discordant circumstances, i.e. we focus away from God, divinity, etc. and thereby plunge ourselves into fear, distrust and terror be held captive. So let's use today's new moon and initiate a real new beginning. We ourselves can always choose what we focus our attention on and, above all, which image we let become true of ourselves. Let's therefore withdraw the energy from the system or the dark simply by no longer dealing with dark energies/messages/self-images, but by finally directing our focus on God, divinity, Christ consciousness and healing circumstances. That is the key by which ascension in the world can fully occur, the key to the manifestation of the true golden age. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Annegret 11. May 2021, 10: 47

      Thank you very much!!

    • Beranek Ursula 11. May 2021, 19: 32

      Since there are only zu_fallen, I thank the writer ds. beautiful text from the heart. Coincidentally, it's my birthday soon and I'm making it, the content, a gift to me ❤️

    • Elisa 12. May 2021, 9: 28

      This is really very well formulated and logically explained. Exactly the masks and the distance, no gastronomy and travel coops people up and makes them depressed. Exactly the meaning of life is prevented by the measures, people have not been allowed to work for over 6 months, the exchange between customers and hosts is prevented by law as if it were demonic. The zest for life only arises through inspiration in a real exchange with different people. My lower back pain is certainly also a manifest sign that my energy is not flowing. I wish for harmony and freedom again.

    • Annemarie 12. May 2021, 10: 56

      Very nice written

    • Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

      Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
      Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

    Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
    Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    • Annegret 11. May 2021, 10: 47

      Thank you very much!!

    • Beranek Ursula 11. May 2021, 19: 32

      Since there are only zu_fallen, I thank the writer ds. beautiful text from the heart. Coincidentally, it's my birthday soon and I'm making it, the content, a gift to me ❤️

    • Elisa 12. May 2021, 9: 28

      This is really very well formulated and logically explained. Exactly the masks and the distance, no gastronomy and travel coops people up and makes them depressed. Exactly the meaning of life is prevented by the measures, people have not been allowed to work for over 6 months, the exchange between customers and hosts is prevented by law as if it were demonic. The zest for life only arises through inspiration in a real exchange with different people. My lower back pain is certainly also a manifest sign that my energy is not flowing. I wish for harmony and freedom again.

    • Annemarie 12. May 2021, 10: 56

      Very nice written

    • Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

      Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
      Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

    Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
    Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    • Annegret 11. May 2021, 10: 47

      Thank you very much!!

    • Beranek Ursula 11. May 2021, 19: 32

      Since there are only zu_fallen, I thank the writer ds. beautiful text from the heart. Coincidentally, it's my birthday soon and I'm making it, the content, a gift to me ❤️

    • Elisa 12. May 2021, 9: 28

      This is really very well formulated and logically explained. Exactly the masks and the distance, no gastronomy and travel coops people up and makes them depressed. Exactly the meaning of life is prevented by the measures, people have not been allowed to work for over 6 months, the exchange between customers and hosts is prevented by law as if it were demonic. The zest for life only arises through inspiration in a real exchange with different people. My lower back pain is certainly also a manifest sign that my energy is not flowing. I wish for harmony and freedom again.

    • Annemarie 12. May 2021, 10: 56

      Very nice written

    • Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

      Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
      Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

    Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
    Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    • Annegret 11. May 2021, 10: 47

      Thank you very much!!

    • Beranek Ursula 11. May 2021, 19: 32

      Since there are only zu_fallen, I thank the writer ds. beautiful text from the heart. Coincidentally, it's my birthday soon and I'm making it, the content, a gift to me ❤️

    • Elisa 12. May 2021, 9: 28

      This is really very well formulated and logically explained. Exactly the masks and the distance, no gastronomy and travel coops people up and makes them depressed. Exactly the meaning of life is prevented by the measures, people have not been allowed to work for over 6 months, the exchange between customers and hosts is prevented by law as if it were demonic. The zest for life only arises through inspiration in a real exchange with different people. My lower back pain is certainly also a manifest sign that my energy is not flowing. I wish for harmony and freedom again.

    • Annemarie 12. May 2021, 10: 56

      Very nice written

    • Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

      Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
      Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

    Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
    Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    • Annegret 11. May 2021, 10: 47

      Thank you very much!!

    • Beranek Ursula 11. May 2021, 19: 32

      Since there are only zu_fallen, I thank the writer ds. beautiful text from the heart. Coincidentally, it's my birthday soon and I'm making it, the content, a gift to me ❤️

    • Elisa 12. May 2021, 9: 28

      This is really very well formulated and logically explained. Exactly the masks and the distance, no gastronomy and travel coops people up and makes them depressed. Exactly the meaning of life is prevented by the measures, people have not been allowed to work for over 6 months, the exchange between customers and hosts is prevented by law as if it were demonic. The zest for life only arises through inspiration in a real exchange with different people. My lower back pain is certainly also a manifest sign that my energy is not flowing. I wish for harmony and freedom again.

    • Annemarie 12. May 2021, 10: 56

      Very nice written

    • Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

      Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
      Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions

    Ruth 12. May 2021, 20: 32

    Thank you so much for the reminder of the self, self empowerment in Christ Consciousness and how we can escape the touwaboho.
    Best regards and thank you for your valuable contributions
