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Today's daily energy on June 11, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Libra at 02:30 a.m. and will give us influences for the next 2-3 days that will not only completely affect our self-love can be brought strongly into the foreground (a circumstance that is currently very much in the foreground - transition to 5D - original state) and on the other hand from the lingering influences of yesterday.

Manifestation of all-encompassing abundance

Manifestation of all-encompassing abundanceIn this context, yesterday's Whit Monday was also a very special day and the symbolic sending of the holy spirit, i.e. the experience/manifestation of an extremely connected/holy state of consciousness, was extremely noticeable. In this regard, I also experienced a magic that was more intense/special than I have ever experienced in recent years. Somehow it was even the completion of what had happened in the last six months, because within this period everything came to a head, i.e. everything moved towards the experience of a state of consciousness in which we could begin to experience 5D within ourselves. And ultimately, that is exactly something that is now being manifested by more and more people. The quality of time has changed enormously. The potential for manifestation is enormous and due to the fact that a lot of people have now awakened and, as a result, more and more people are awakening (we are connected to everything on a spiritual level, no, even on all levels, because all levels represent our spirit/energy, which is why our thoughts/feelings also reach everything and everyone - the more people awaken/increase their frequency/take a look behind the backdrops, the more this energy increases - an unstoppable process that has now taken on huge proportions), a state has now been reached that has released enormous energy. A critical mass is often spoken of here. In my opinion, this critical mass has currently been reached, at least it is also important to understand that, like everything in existence, the critical mass is activated within ourselves and that is exactly what is now noticeable. For example, the golden age only gradually becomes manifest externally when we initiate the golden age within ourselves.

It is more difficult to change what is outside than what is inside. (Brida) – Paulo Coelho..!!

The same applies to 5D, abundance, a paradisiacal circumstance and also to critical mass. We ourselves represent the origin of everything. But if we, as the origin ourselves, cannot yet feel all of this within ourselves, then none of this can be manifested. It all happens within ourselves. Our potential is therefore extremely strong, i.e. we are so powerful that we can initiate all these circumstances ourselves, for example the golden age, the same also applies to the manifestation of the critical mass, simply by feeling that this has been achieved (because we are the origin, the authority that sets/can set everything in motion). Ultimately, this sensation/assumption sets exactly that in motion and the matter, which ultimately is also just energy/represents our spirit, follows suit and adapts. Well, today's daily energy continues to be accompanied by incredible magic and continues to lead us into the deepest levels of our being. Everything is possible and with that we can also immerse ourselves in the all-encompassing abundance. It will therefore be a very special day. A new level becomes manifest. But well, finally I would like to refer you again to my friend's new Facebook page, which was published yesterday. On their page “Crystal“Intuitive art, to be precise, publishes images that come directly from her soul. There will be a lot more to come from them and from us in the future, but more information will be revealed later. Therefore, if you are interested, we would be happy to receive any support in this regard. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

— Your Facebook page: Crystal

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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