Today's daily energy on July 11, 2020 is shaped on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Aries at 07:09 a.m. (Determination, liveliness, the pull into something new or the confrontation with our own shadows, which show us conflicts in which we do not live out corresponding aspects) and on the other hand from strong or very disturbing influences planetary resonance frequency (The diagram also recorded grainy/swirling patterns in this regard - difficult to describe - you can see the measurement data below)
Current speed
Otherwise, the special energy quality of the current days generally flows into today's daily energy. So we continue to experience the strong influences of the very accelerated wake-up phase (The huge influx of awakening people simply pushes the collective frequency immensely - everything therefore passes MUCH MUCH faster, the speed is HUGE due to this collective enlivenment - the pull into states that are in turn based on harmony, divinity and self-responsibility/self-love is greater than EVER before and the special thing about it is, from day to day this pull increases to an extreme extent - we are therefore heading towards energetic explosions and that while we are making explosive progress in the global awakening process - SO RECOGNIZE YOUR INNER DIVINITY - YOU ARE THE SOURCE, THE CREATOR HIMSELF - IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO - EVERYTHING EXISTS ONLY IN YOU - IN YOUR SPIRIT - YOU ARE EVERYTHING - The BIG WHOLE!!!!!!), we are experiencing the preliminary energies of a ten-day portal day phase (starting July 13th), experience the aftermath of a significant penumbral lunar eclipse and generally find ourselves in the midst of a cosmic stream that continues to grow in intensity.

For this reason, today will also be accompanied by a huge acceleration. Life-changing or even formative self-knowledge, impulses, energies and special coincidences can therefore still come to us.
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As I said, in these days everything feels possible and within a moment we can gain insights into areas that were previously completely unknown to us. It is a phase full of magic, magic, acceleration, momentum, growth in the greatest possible style. Everything is changing and the quantum leap into awakening has never been so tangible, real and, above all, easy to experience, as it is possible for us in the current phase. Therefore, use today's special energy quality and step into your creative power. The INFINITE POTENTIAL wants to be fully unleashed. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂