Today's daily energy on July 11, 2019 continues to be shaped by the Moon in Scorpio (Passionate – more pronounced emotionality – overcoming oneself – ambition) and otherwise still from the after-effects of the sun. In this context, we also received stronger solar impulses yesterday (see below picture). Two red bars were recorded, meaning the earth's magnetic field was exposed to a fluctuation/anomaly.
Yesterday solar winds & energies remained high
In this context, I would like to point out again that corresponding fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field (often due to solar winds and co. triggered) always go hand in hand with strong changes within one's own mind, because in appropriate moments the collective consciousness reaches significantly more cosmic radiation, which is why stronger solar winds and co. can trigger special shifts.
In addition, the basic collective energy is currently particularly strong, which means that corresponding energetic inflows are particularly pushing the prevailing frequency field, it is not for nothing that what feels like the highest magic is currently prevailing, it is not for nothing that so many old structures are currently dissolving like never before and it is not for nothing We are currently catapulted into the most powerful states of all, i.e. states based on completely new feelings about life. As has been mentioned many times recently, it is difficult to put into words what is currently happening and how many impressions reach us every day, so many that all of this cannot be grasped in any way. And everything is now heading towards another climax. The coming portal days and the lunar eclipse on July 16th will represent exciting highlights this month and ignite a powerful potential or fire within us.
Mindfulness when speaking, control of the body, awareness of the work of the mind; Equanimity in the face of insult, never angry; this is the path of great progress – Master Hsing Yun..!!
Can't wait for these days anymore, can't wait to feel the magic that comes with it, after all, the past total solar eclipse was also accompanied by incredible sensations, yes, since then everything has increased enormously and the quantum leap into awakening has taken place taken to a completely new level. The coming days will therefore once again be of great importance and will take the collective consciousness in a new direction. For this reason, we can be excited about what awaits us. Either way, one thing is certain: “A new world is about to become manifest and all conditions based on appearances, deception, disinformation, lack and deception are increasingly being abolished, it is inevitable“. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂