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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on February 11, 2018 is accompanied on the one hand by critical, i.e. rather disharmonious influences, but on the other hand also by positive influences. In this context, we are exposed to very changeable influences, which could also trigger emotional fluctuations in us. This is how we reach an energetic circumstance that makes us sometimes serious, thoughtful, concentrated and determined could. At the same time, our loving and compassionate nature is also in the foreground.

Very different influences

Very different influencesOn the other hand, we could also tend to be extravagances and, above all, to act wastefully. Nevertheless, three main aspects emerge from the abundance of influences: the influences from Venus, which changed to the zodiac sign Pisces at 00:19 a.m., and then the influences from the Sun, which became a square at 00:20 a.m with Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio) and has been active for two days since then and last but not least the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 03:20 a.m. All three constellations have a significant influence on us and have a long-term effect. Venus in the zodiac sign Pisces ensures that we are helpful, loving, compassionate and, as a result, experience a stronger expression of our own loving nature. Otherwise, this constellation could also make us very attractive. Love, passion and sensuality are therefore in the foreground. The square between the Sun and Jupiter could, in turn, make us vain, extravagant and wasteful. This constellation also ensures that we act very idiosyncratically and are not afraid of conflicts with employers or even the law. The moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn gives us a certain seriousness, makes us thoughtful, concentrated and very determined. For this reason, it would be much easier for us to work on manifesting ambitious goals and realizing projects in the next few days, especially since the “Capricorn” Moon lasts until February 13th. Apart from these three main constellations, we have two more constellations, namely a harmonious constellation, i.e. a sextile between the Moon and Venus at 03:42 a.m. and a conjunction between the Moon and Saturn at 15:16 p.m.

The energetic influences today are very changeable in nature and could therefore trigger emotional fluctuations in us. But how we deal with the different influences at the end of the day depends, as always, entirely on us and the use of our own mental abilities..!!

The Moon-Venus sextile makes us more adaptable and also ensures that our own loving nature is expressed. The Moon-Saturn conjunction in turn represents restrictions and could trigger mood depression, a tendency to melancholy and dissatisfaction in general. Ultimately, however, these two constellations are overshadowed by the first three very different star constellations, which is why we are mainly influenced by Venus in the zodiac sign Pisces, the square between the sun and Jupiter and the moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn. We are therefore influenced by completely different influences and it will be interesting to see whether we react to them with emotional fluctuations or whether these influences are less noticeable. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Star Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Februar/11

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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