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new moon

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As in yesterday's "new moon article“, today’s daily energy is shaped by the new moon in the zodiac sign Leo. The new moon, at least in our "latitudes", takes on its "complete" form at approximately 11:57 a.m. and from then on brings us influences that are definitely for renewal, restart, change and subsequently also for the manifestation of new ones living conditions and events.

New moon in the sign of Leo

New moon in the sign of LeoA change in one's own mental orientation is also favored on new moon days, which means that we could, for example, discard habits more easily than usual. In this context, for example, on new moon days it is recommended to stop smoking (or give up other addictions). It is also reported in some field reports that this works much more easily than usual on certain days and that one does not direct one's own attention so quickly to smoking or the corresponding addiction (energy always follows our own attention). Of course, dependencies also tend to arise with inner conflicts, unfulfilled longings and problems from childhood days, which is why it always makes sense to clear up the corresponding problems first. Nevertheless, this is also favored on new moon days, i.e. it may be easier to recognize your own problems and then "transform" them. Ultimately, therefore, the new moon influences will definitely benefit us and favor our own spiritual and spiritual development. Well, apart from the new moon influences, we also get the influences of three different star constellations. At 05:45 a.m. a square between the moon and Jupiter took effect, which in turn stands for extravagance and extravagance. A few minutes later, at 05:54 to be precise, a conjunction between the Moon and Mercury took effect, which in turn represents a good starting point and basis for all business, especially since we could become mentally active through this constellation and in the As a result, use good judgement.

Dwell completely in the present moment and you will see that the future is there as well. As well as the past, which you can transform. For in the present moment all moments are contained. – Thich Nhat Hanh..!!

Finally, at 08:31 a.m., a square between Mercury and Jupiter takes effect, which firstly lasts all day and secondly stands for a certain stubbornness, frivolity, and variability in our views. Nevertheless, it should be said that the pure influences of the "new moon" in the zodiac sign Leo will predominate, which is why the day is all about renewal and reorientation. In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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