≡ Menus

Today's daily energy on April 11, 2020 is characterized on the one hand by the violent ascension energies and, above all, the associated drastic increase in light on our planet. On the other hand, the preliminary Easter energies are also flowing into the energy mix today. In this context, Easter or especially Easter Sunday represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, this means the return or resurrection of the Christ consciousness.

The resurrection of the light

Huge liberation operationAs far as this is concerned, the Christ Consciousness also means an extremely high-frequency state of consciousness, which in turn is permeated by truth, wisdom, love, abundance and a deep trust. One could also speak of a spirit that moves into a very high reality - away from the 3D matrix /of the illusory system with all its destructive/small conditioning. At the end of the day, we are all in an overarching transition into the golden age and this is simply accompanied by the manifestation of a state of consciousness in which neither deception, ignorance nor even destructiveness prevails. The resurrection of Jesus Christ therefore ALWAYS means the resurrection of one's own inner light, i.e. the manifestation of a high-frequency/light-full inner world, from which a reality arises in which one is not only aware that oneself is the creator (At this point I can only go back to my video series: "The highest level of knowledge parts 1-3" in which I explain the manifestation of one's own God-consciousness/self-image in detail - Part 1 starts slowly, important for the beginning - Basics, Parts 2 & 3 escalate completely), but also became aware that one had exposed oneself to deception for decades (Facilitated by a pseudo-system whose information, orientation and content you yourself have falsely recognized as truth - a conditioned worldview that you have allowed yourself to be implanted - a system that has created a highly controllable and manipulated mass of people to create a new world order - Nevertheless, it should be said: We can never blame the system or the elites for our manipulated minds, because as creators you are always primarily responsible).

Humanity is waking up – and on a massive scale

Well, not Jesus Christ, but you yourself are THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE or you could also say that the Christ consciousness, i.e. a divine state of consciousness, is the way, the truth and the life. And Easter Sunday is therefore deep at the core (away from church or misinterpreted and God-removing religious dogmas) for this very return, at least that is the real energy or truth behind this message. And the special thing is that this Easter in particular truly represents the return of Christ consciousness, in a way that has never been the case at any other Easter before. Ultimately, in the current days we are experiencing a tremendous victory of light and truth. In the meantime, the number of awakened people has become so large that we are slowly but surely gaining the upper hand (Even if it's not always noticeable - don't let your focus get distracted - energy always follows your own attention). That's why I keep saying that the critical mass was at the beginning of this decade and now especially in these months of the Corona crisis (Wake-up “crisis”) is achieved, meaning that due to this critical mass, an incredible acceleration and proliferation of an awakened mental state occurs (spreads to other people who suddenly develop a spiritual interest overnight and, on the other hand, begin to question the world/the system), because all thoughts and emotions or your entire mental state flow into the entire collective and influence it (Never underestimate your creative power - you are MUCH MUCH more powerful than you have always been led to believe!!!!).

Huge liberation operation

And parallel to this VIOLENT AWAKENING that is currently changing all of humanity, large-scale liberation and revelation actions are also taking place. On the one hand, an incredible number of deeply anchored elite structures are currently being undermined (exposed), that means large children's rings, which have always been protected with all their might by the elites of this world, are currently being drained (1000% of the time this happens), an extremely large number of children have been freed and, on the other hand, preparations are in full swing that will expose countless political and elite structures (There is now enough evidence available). Well, something great is currently happening in this world and since not only are more people waking up from day to day, but the liberation actions are also taking on greater proportions, i.e. the foundation is being removed from the shadows of this world, significantly more light is flowing in, which in turn brings about the previous ones The processes described are also accelerated, a cycle of light, if you will, everything increases in power. We are currently heading towards the BIGGEST EXPOSURE PROCESS of all and we will soon experience a world that will be completely unhinged, a world in which all the lies, all the disinformation, all the historical misinformation and all the deceptions will be exposed and open be laid, we are heading towards it 1000%, it is irreversible. The world is currently being liberated and every person/creator who has raised their own frequency, i.e. has entered a high spiritual state and has penetrated and recognized the apparent world with their spirit, is responsible for this change. We have all achieved great things and will now reap the fruits of our luminous spiritual orientation. The new world is just emerging from the shadow of its old low frequency. Soon nothing will be the same anymore!!!!! With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Exclusive News – Follow me on Telegram: https://t.me/allesistenergie

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    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

      • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

        Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

      • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

        Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

      • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

        Oh, twice is better.
        I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
        Joy fills my heart.
        I have a labyrinth in Hennef
        Construction realized in the spa park
        Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
        I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
        Thanks to our creation
        Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

      • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

        Like the MSM 😉
        Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

        • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

          It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

      • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


        Read Arthos's carefully.
        To get a different perspective.
        I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
        There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
        All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

        Thanks for your work
        I send you light and love from heart to heart

        I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

        If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

        When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

        It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

        So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

        But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

        You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

        Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

        Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

        So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

        This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

        You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

        When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

        This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

        You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

        Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

        This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

        Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

        Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

        It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

        Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

        The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

        So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

        And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

        You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

        It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

        You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

        So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

        It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

        As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

        This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

        Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

        So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

        So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

        There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

        What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

        Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

        Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

        The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

      • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

        Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
        Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
        Hoping for an awakening...
        With love, Emilia O:-)

      • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

        Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
        – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
        Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
        Emilia A. Grace

      • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


        True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

      Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    • Andrea Lochner 11. April 2020, 10: 44

      Do you really believe that - the outside world speaks a different language...

    • Cordula Wolff 11. April 2020, 11: 11

      Thank you very much for the information. Once again it comes at exactly the right time for me.

    • Sigrid Klein 11. April 2020, 22: 08

      Oh, twice is better.
      I have been in the light for a long time. Of primal source light.
      Joy fills my heart.
      I have a labyrinth in Hennef
      Construction realized in the spa park
      Inspired in Chartres by my mentor Gernot Candolini, the labyrinth builder, labyrinth researcher and teacher from Innsbruck.
      I know a few people who are walking this path of love with me.
      Thanks to our creation
      Our God the Father Son and Holy Spirit - forever

    • hanix 15. April 2020, 15: 26

      Like the MSM 😉
      Everyone copies everyone else. But no one really knows anything NEW. Everyone clings to the assumptions spread around the internet etc….

      • Everything is energy 15. April 2020, 22: 03

        It's not a guess, it happens 1000%!! And what exactly is going on in the background, i.e. what will soon happen 1000% and what the real goals behind it are, there will be a video from me in the next few days, stay tuned 🙂

    • Mario Subota 19. April 2020, 9: 28


      Read Arthos's carefully.
      To get a different perspective.
      I was on the topic of prosperity for all (Nesara) 10 years ago.
      There is only one ascension into the 5th dimension (light body) and the transformation process is essential.
      All those who did not vote will have to do another round.

      Thanks for your work
      I send you light and love from heart to heart

      I'm really happy that people are waking up and that so many things are happening outside that confirm that we are in a development that can no longer be stopped. But as an old truth believer and advocate, I can't help but point out some things that are really important. What is really important is that awakening is not just about opening your eyes. It is not a sign of awakening if you open your eyes in the morning but stay in bed all day. In addition, Earth is not an amusement park that is currently being renovated to increase the fun factor. Earth is a training planet and for us it is about the development of our consciousness and not about the development of external circumstances.

      If you now connect these two points together, you should come to the conclusion that everything that is currently happening is not about countries, states, organizations, companies, parties and systems. All of these are just effects of what people do, and what other people do may affect your life, but is not what matters at the moment. Not when it comes to awakening.

      When you are about to awaken, it is you who counts, not what surrounds you. Of course, recognizing and ending external control is an essential point of awakening, and anyone who continues to allow themselves to be controlled and controlled by others cannot be called awakened.

      It's good that you open your eyes and see the injustices that you didn't recognize for a long time. It is also good that you recognize and understand the background and connections, think about your own thoughts, do your own research and have the intention to be part of a new world at the end of your awakening. But: If you stay lying down after opening your eyes instead of getting up and putting your new insights into action, then you behave like a sleeper and not like an awakened person.

      So what does it take to know, what to understand and what to do? I would like to give a bigger picture here and make it clear that there are two sides to awakening, just as there are two sides to your life. These two sides are based on two completely different energies that have nothing to do with each other except that they arise from the same source.

      But this brings us directly to an important topic, because not only do the two fundamental energies come from this source, but also you. And not only that: it is not just the source, but also the goal. Everything that comes from the Source does not disappear somewhere and dissolve, but sooner or later returns to the Source. It is like water that rises from a spring, flows through the land into the ocean, evaporates, rains down, sinks into the ground and then bubbles up again from a spring. Except that this is not about water, but about life.

      You are a piece of individual life, and therefore it is about your development. Awakening means becoming aware of who you are, where you are and why you are here. This is the real awakening, and asking yourself these questions is even more important than understanding the connections of external developments, observing world events, analyzing Q-drops, spreading new news, thoughts and opinions and informing yourself about the grievances within this world and to upset other people.

      Of course you can do all of this, but none of it will really get you anywhere. What really takes you forward is developing and increasing your consciousness. If your consciousness remains at the level at which it was in the sleep state, then you may have opened your eyes, but no development has taken place. What wants and needs to develop is your consciousness. But your consciousness will not develop if it remains at the level of scolding and complaining.

      Your consciousness develops through knowledge, and knowledge begins when you gain knowledge of the truth and develop understanding of the truth. Then you begin to differentiate, and only when you differentiate can you develop further.

      So there are two energies and two developments: one internal and one external. There is an inner world and an outer world. The inner world is composed of the subtle elements of spirit, intelligence and false ego. The outer world is made up of the physical elements earth, water, fire, air and ether. The outer world arises from the material energy of God, and the inner world arises from the spiritual energy of God. Two different worlds and two different energies, and you find yourself right in the middle between them.

      This you that I mean is not what you call me. The self you identify with is not who you really are. When who you really are leaves your body, it becomes worthless. But what is valuable moves on and moves into a new body in order to enliven it and thus make it valuable. But if what animates it and makes it valuable is not recognized, what value is there in life that is experienced as something that happens to you and not as what you are?

      You are the living thing that animates the body. This living being is called the soul, and the soul is a tiny spark of light that is eternal. This spark is indestructible. He was not born and will not perish. But what happens to you, comes and goes, is therefore not eternal and therefore does not correspond to eternal reality, but only its shadow, which is called reality, but which is actually just an illusion.

      When the moon is reflected in the water, it looks real, even though it is only the reflection of the real moon. So the moon in the water is just an illusion, although the real moon naturally exists. But you can't see it as long as you look at the water and not at the real moon.

      This small example is intended to illustrate what the real situation looks like. You as a spiritual soul are in a material body. The material body can only perceive water because it uses the physical senses to perceive it. So he only knows the reflections in the water, which is formed by the material energy.

      You, as a spiritual soul located in a material body, look at the material world that forms your reality. In reality, this is only the temporary reflection of the eternal spiritual reality. Since you only know the reflection in the mirror, you find yourself in a dream of real illusions that let you experience what you believe and what you think you are.

      Waking up from this dream means ultimately taking your eyes off the water and focusing on reality. Now awakening is not a sudden moment, but a longer process. As part of this process, it is normal, right and also important to first look at the water and its surface in order to understand what it is about, what is going wrong and what is beneficial for your personal development and what is harmful .

      This brings us back to discernment, because what discernment is all about is recognizing and understanding what is good and what is evil, what is beneficial and what is a hindrance. If you want to evolve into reality, you must recognize evil and turn away from it, because evil is the absence of good, and good is the goal of your development. Evil5 prevents your development towards good.

      Please let this sentence sink in until you fully understand it. It is obvious that evil is not good for you, but unless you understand what evil really is, you will not take it seriously, and as long as you do not take it seriously, you will push it aside and repress it, and as long as you If you do that, the good that you think you are and do is just an illusion.

      Good is the absolute truth, which is unlimited knowledge and eternal bliss, and which appears as light and love. The good is reality. However, evil is not the opposite of truth, knowledge, bliss, light and love, but rather their complete absence. Evil does not exist of itself, but only because it fights and represses, denies and tries to destroy good. Good and evil are not two opposite poles, but are located on the scale of good, which is reality, with evil being the zero point of this scale.

      It was important to me to convey this to you again in such a condensed manner, because it is more important than ever to recognize and understand this, because now is the time when the wheat is separated from the chaff. This also happens externally and is currently evident in the fact that the liars are exposing themselves, revealing the representatives of evil as such and clearly showing all destructive systems for what they are: outgrowths of evil. But realizing this is not a complete awakening.

      Full awakening has two directions: outward and inward. To awaken to the outside is to understand the material world, and understanding begins with identifying evil. Only if you understand that you are controlled by others, because your thoughts, feelings and actions are manipulated and controlled, can you free yourself from external control. But that's only one half of awakening, and until you experience the other half, you'll stay in bed, so to speak.

      The other half of awakening is the inner awakening, which leads to self-responsibility. Only when you take on this personal responsibility can you get up and do the right things.

      So it's all well and good when you begin to realize the truth that almost everything in the external world has gone wrong and is still going wrong, but it is not the goal of your development. Ultimately, the goal of your development is self-realization. But it's not about the false self, the ego, but the true self, the soul. The false self has already been realized, which has led to all the known problems.

      And here is the crux of the matter that I would like to point out to you: As long as you do not become a self-realized soul, whatever can happen on the outside, nothing fundamental will change. As suggested at the beginning, Earth is not an amusement park that just needs a fresh coat of paint to become paradise. Nor is it enough to take out a little trash, pull up some weeds and replace the old life-threatening roller coasters with a beautiful new 3D cinema.

      You are here on a training planet, and this is about your training. It's not enough to identify the bad guys and take them off the field. How long do you think it will take before new villains appear on the field and take over everything again? Yes, the villains must be identified and taken off the board before they kill, exterminate, and destroy the planet not only you, but all of humanity. But that doesn't mean I'll be okay.

      It will be good when you become good, and becoming good means recognizing and ending being evil. It is not enough to just end it externally, but it must also be ended internally within you, and that is of more value to the whole than you can imagine. Recognizing the potential for evil within you and shedding light on all your shadows is an essential part of the training you are here for.

      You cannot and will not fully awaken unless you also do this inner part of awakening and work on yourself. All those people who believe that now all we have to do is start arresting the bad guys in order for the world to become good again and everything to be in order, are very much mistaken. It's like cutting down the weeds in your garden instead of pulling them out by the roots. This root grows into your consciousness. So you have to get to the root of yourself, which means a radical change in your consciousness, which then also manifests itself outside (Latin radix = root). And that is the real mother of all bombs.

      So material awakening is just the first step, which opens the door to complete awakening, so to speak. Only complete awakening reveals the new path in higher consciousness, which not only has to be recognized but also taken. Opening your eyes is good and important, but staying there would be stupid, because you are not here to watch, but to act yourself.

      It's now about putting your own actions on a new basis. The basis is the internal energy. The new basis is true spirituality. Only truly lived spirituality can truly renew the world. The basic problem of this godless world is precisely that it is godless. The problem with materialism is that only the material world is accepted as reality. But the illusions cannot be ended like this. Real solutions must come from a higher level and not from the one where the problems arose. The material world only serves to show the illusions in order to recognize, understand and develop through knowledge and understanding.

      As a soul, you stand between two worlds, so you have to decide. However, this decision is not about willingly leaving one world to go to the other. This is not possible. But it's about bringing them into harmony, and harmony does not mean synchronization, but balance. Unity does not mean that everything is one and the same, but that the diversity of individual expressions, living beings and developments takes place within a whole.

      This in turn means that the division must end. As long as you serve the divisive energy that represents not the good but its absence, you are not serving the good, not the truth, not the knowledge, not the light and not the love.

      Fully awakening means not only awakening externally and internally, but also making an ultimate decision: Who do you want to serve? If you now say: Nobody, then I have to say that this is not possible. You are always serving. The crucial question is: to whom? Even the president of a country serves – namely, the country. The mother serves her children, the father the family, the worker his boss, the cook the hungry and the priest the believer. The conspiracy theorist serves to uncover the conspiracy. The managing director of a company serves profit, the doctor serves the patient, and the actor serves the director, who in turn serves the producer. It is the soul's destiny to serve.

      So the question is: Who do you want to serve? The illusion or the reality? The false ego or the true self? Since the True Self is a tiny particle of God, its destiny is to serve God as a tiny spark of Divine Fire, just as a cell serves the body and not itself.

      So the question is: Do you serve good or evil? The good is God, who is truth, knowledge, light and love. The servant of God is a devotee because he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to God. The servant of evil is a demon, and he consecrates his life and thus his thoughts, feelings and actions to the absence of truth, knowledge, light and love and serves only his false self.

      There are only two kinds of people. What do you count yourself as? And if you count yourself among them, do you think, feel and act accordingly? There are many subtle gradations on the scale of good. The soul's goal is to develop higher on this scale. Since you are the soul and not the body, that is also your goal, even if you don't know anything about it yet.

      What do you use this time for when external life comes to a standstill? If you use the time to look at external life so that you understand it and learn to differentiate, gain knowledge and understanding, that is good, because in this way you can develop further. But don't expect too much from it. Without the necessary inner development you will not reach your goal.

      Ending the heteronomy that is part of the lower end of the scale of good is just the beginning. This is followed by distinguishing between good and evil and then taking personal responsibility, which is the same as getting out of bed. But then you still have to decide where you're going, and that decision answers the question of who you're serving. This answer tells you whether you are moving up or down the scale.

      Awakening does not necessarily mean arriving at your destination. It means that you are on the way, and anyone who says: the path is the destination is wrong. Because that implies that it doesn't matter where you go, which it absolutely doesn't. Your true purpose is more than just going somewhere, being on some path...

      The training you are in has a reason, and the reason is you. It is about your consciousness. It's about your development. It's about your return to reality. It's about becoming part of the good again so that the good manifests itself in the world. Then evil no longer has a chance. The prerequisite for this is a radical development of consciousness that gets to the root of evil and mercilessly uproots it. I say: the mother of all bombs.

    • Emilia Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 20

      Yes, everything is a bit tiring at the moment...
      Especially when the other person is still sleeping...
      Hoping for an awakening...
      With love, Emilia O:-)

    • Emilia A. Grace 13. May 2020, 8: 28

      Yes, everything is “a little” tiring at the moment…!!!
      – Especially if the other person is still sleeping… Or!?
      Hoping for an awakening... O:-)
      Emilia A. Grace

    • Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


      True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!

    Vishnu Dasa 22. June 2020, 1: 05


    True Freedom Through True Knowledge!!
