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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on April 11, 2019 is mainly characterized by a general magical energy quality, because today is a portal day. For this reason, stronger energetic influences reach us, which in turn are extremely cleansing Nature will be suitable for the current days. In this context, cleansing and, above all, transformative circumstances are more prominent than ever before (The climax is complete - from the recognition of one's own self to the manifestation of a spiritual state in which maximum abundance is present - regaining our complete creative power/strength).

Another portal day

Another portal dayIn doing so, we gradually free ourselves from all sustainable structures and, as a result, renounce heavy energies. Our entire mind/body/spirit system is flooded with high-frequency energy and everything that prevents us from fully recognizing and fully developing our true being is cleared. There are therefore by far the best conditions for initiating a completely new direction of one's own mind (as described in this new article: Create a new mindset). Currently we can achieve so much and consciously tap into our own creative power (or consciously use our creative power to make new, high-frequency ideas manifest). Today's portal day can therefore, if necessary, show us new possibilities and paths. In exactly the same way, it can tempt us to go beyond our own comfort zone because of the transformative energies that come with it. Self-overcoming is the key word here. It's time that we overcome ourselves and start creating a life that fully corresponds to our ideas, i.e. a life based on abundance. If not now? When then? The current quality of time is predestined for this. And of course, especially on portal days, opposite moods can also be experienced, meaning we may feel paralyzed inside, expose ourselves to suffering and remain stuck in our own conflicts (we create everything). But at the end of the day, that's not a bad thing in any way; rather, it shows us the sustainable patterns we're still stuck in. Corresponding moments therefore offer us the chance to finally find closure so that we can then advance our own self-realization.

The key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life is the state of consciousness. That's the gist. – Dalai Lama..!!

Everything is heading towards a reality in which we not only feel one with everything, but we also shine full of happiness and love. Therefore, use today's portal day influences and begin a new one (light/light) version of your life to become manifest. Reflect on yourself, become aware of which ideas you have that go hand in hand with a certain degree of unfulfillment and begin to work towards a new reality in which unfulfillment becomes fullness. New paths, possibilities and ideas can now be perceived. Create a new life, all in the spirit of 5D. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

I am happy about any support ❤ 

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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