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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on July 10, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the eighth portal day and on the other hand by various star constellations. One constellation in particular stands out: Venus changes to the zodiac sign Virgo at 04:31 a.m. and forms a trine with Uranus and Saturn, which not only gives us a strong compassion for others, especially helpless people, could feel, but we could also work on the manifestation of our dreams or this is greatly encouraged.

Manifestation of your dreams

Manifestation of your dreamsOn the other hand, Jupiter will be direct again starting this evening, which can be of great benefit to us. In this context, Jupiter is also often viewed as a planet that, at least when one looks at its positive aspects, stands for growth, abundance, expansion, morally high views, intellectual and spiritual development as well as higher knowledge or the pursuit of higher knowledge. Ultimately, Jupiter can also help us to be happier or, better said, help us to advance our own growth (time to move forward with our projects). The current Jupiter phase is therefore quite useful to us and can ensure that we develop our own potential even more. At this point I would like to quote an excerpt from the website giesow.de regarding the direct-rotating Jupiter:

“On July 10, Jupiter will go direct at 13°21` in Scorpio. It went retrograde to 9°23' in Scorpio on March 13th, but will take until October 7th, 2018 to reach this level again. In the phase in which Jupiter moves over the degrees that he has already passed through twice (one provisionally, once retrograde), it is now important, taking into account the mistakes made, to actively strive for abundance, growth, transformation and deep understanding.

In keeping with the last days of the portal day phase, quite inspiring energies are once again affecting us, through which we can, above all, target our own self-realization in a more targeted manner. Personally, I will definitely use the coming days and work even harder to realize my own spiritual wishes. In this context, I have already mentioned in some of the last daily energy articles that I am currently experiencing an enormous drive for action and an incredibly strong creativity, through which I can accomplish quite a lot, i.e. I can realize my own projects much more easily than usual overcome self-imposed limits. One result of this is a video that I uploaded to YouTube yesterday (after all this long time, it was an overcoming for me personally to create and upload a video, but now, of all things in the portal day phase, I should be able to do it - I'll also link the video at the bottom).

As I began to truly love myself, I was able to recognize that emotional pain and suffering are only warnings for me to live against my own truth. Today I know this is called “being authentic”. – Charlie Chaplin..!!

Well, apart from that, we also have three different constellations. A trine (Moon/Mars) takes effect at 08:27 a.m. and a few hours later, at 19:23 p.m., a sextile (Moon/Mercury) takes effect, i.e. two harmonious constellations that can also promote harmonious daily circumstances. Only at 21:59 p.m. does a disharmonious constellation reach us, namely a square between the Moon and Neptune, which not only favors a dreamy disposition, but also a passive attitude. Nevertheless, it should be said that today can be of great benefit to us overall. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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