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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on December 10, 2019 continues to be characterized by extremely strong energetic influences, because we are still in the ten-day portal day phase. We are in the sixth day of this phase and are experiencing it therefore still an ongoing portal opening through which we can expand our own minds into completely new dimensions.

Making the highest spirit of God become reality

Making the highest spirit of God become realityThe manifestation of a new self-image is therefore very much in the foreground and our personal spiritual unveiling experiences further highlights. In this context, these highlights will only become more extreme within the current portal day phase. Of course, on the one hand, the collective mind is evolving day by day and more people are awakening to themselves (and currently at a pace that is simply enormous), whereby the basic collective energy or the energy of the collective state of consciousness becomes stronger. On the other hand, we are now also receiving special events. For example, on December 12th, i.e. on the eighth day of the portal, a full moon will reach us, a day that will bring us extremely strong energy. On the other hand, this day is generally associated with extreme energy, because 12-12-12, i.e. the 12th day in the 12th month of a year, simply gives us realigning energy at its finest. As far as this is concerned, I have already received some exciting information and some other blogs or sites have already picked up on this event (There will be more information in the upcoming daily energy articles). Well, ultimately this powerful energy serves our complete awakening and allows us to look deeper into our own inner world than ever before. As has been mentioned many times in the meantime, it is specifically about the manifestation of our highest divine spirit, i.e. the knowledge that we ourselves are the creator of all things, simply because everything in existence was created - on our part, through our own imagination, truly EVERYTHING, without exception. Instead of making ourselves small or even revitalizing a lower image of ourselves, we begin by allowing the highest image of ourselves to become manifest. We break through all self-imposed limitations and immerse ourselves in the highest idea of ​​ourselves, free from all limits and blockages, free from all doubts.

Within the current days, i.e. at the end of this decade or this decade, we are experiencing the greatest and strongest possible manifestation of our own creative spirit, i.e. our highest level of knowledge, which will only fully enable us to change the planetary circumstance - that golden one usher in the era. As I said, the golden age only comes when we initiate the golden age within ourselves - only when we have found ourselves..!!

You know that everything comes down to you, simply because everything has always revolved around you. Conversely, one is also aware that every person on the outside, who is simply an image of their own God/creator spirit, can also become aware of this. And at the end of the day, that is the special circumstance, which in turn is experiencing the greatest possible manifestation in the current days. This circumstance will continue today and we will definitely experience a deepening of this knowledge. Finally, I would like to point out a new video of mine in which I addressed this topic in detail. The video is very important to me in this regard and I definitely recommend it to you. If you are interested, the video will be linked below. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Brunner-Bilgeri Monika 10. December 2019, 6: 38

      Good morning

      I clicked on the cards to look ahead to the new year, but unfortunately the PC has
      my e-mail address is not accepted... but it is correct 🙂 Would you like to send me something? I wish you intensive, beautiful and enriching portal days.
      Warm regards

    • Astrid Weichhold 10. December 2019, 15: 19

      Hello Yannik (hope I got the name correctly in the video..),
      Came across your video today by 'accident' and was quite impressed by all the knowledge in it! The big question that now really pops into my head:
      Since we are ALL the sole creators of our lives. And we want to find out about everything here. Then why should ANYTHING (coffee, meat,..) be bad for us??? WE ARE THE CREATORS! It's all just an illusion, including the thoughts that something could do us good or bad! Or how do you see that???
      There aren't many people with whom you can discuss something like this, so I'd be very interested to hear your opinion! Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Astrid

    • Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

      Thank you very much for your work!

    Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

    Thank you very much for your work!

    • Brunner-Bilgeri Monika 10. December 2019, 6: 38

      Good morning

      I clicked on the cards to look ahead to the new year, but unfortunately the PC has
      my e-mail address is not accepted... but it is correct 🙂 Would you like to send me something? I wish you intensive, beautiful and enriching portal days.
      Warm regards

    • Astrid Weichhold 10. December 2019, 15: 19

      Hello Yannik (hope I got the name correctly in the video..),
      Came across your video today by 'accident' and was quite impressed by all the knowledge in it! The big question that now really pops into my head:
      Since we are ALL the sole creators of our lives. And we want to find out about everything here. Then why should ANYTHING (coffee, meat,..) be bad for us??? WE ARE THE CREATORS! It's all just an illusion, including the thoughts that something could do us good or bad! Or how do you see that???
      There aren't many people with whom you can discuss something like this, so I'd be very interested to hear your opinion! Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Astrid

    • Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

      Thank you very much for your work!

    Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

    Thank you very much for your work!

    • Brunner-Bilgeri Monika 10. December 2019, 6: 38

      Good morning

      I clicked on the cards to look ahead to the new year, but unfortunately the PC has
      my e-mail address is not accepted... but it is correct 🙂 Would you like to send me something? I wish you intensive, beautiful and enriching portal days.
      Warm regards

    • Astrid Weichhold 10. December 2019, 15: 19

      Hello Yannik (hope I got the name correctly in the video..),
      Came across your video today by 'accident' and was quite impressed by all the knowledge in it! The big question that now really pops into my head:
      Since we are ALL the sole creators of our lives. And we want to find out about everything here. Then why should ANYTHING (coffee, meat,..) be bad for us??? WE ARE THE CREATORS! It's all just an illusion, including the thoughts that something could do us good or bad! Or how do you see that???
      There aren't many people with whom you can discuss something like this, so I'd be very interested to hear your opinion! Thank you very much in advance and kind regards, Astrid

    • Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

      Thank you very much for your work!

    Doris 11. December 2019, 10: 22

    Thank you very much for your work!
