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Today's daily energy on August 10, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Leo at 06:17 a.m. and on the other hand by the influences of the portal day. For this reason, today as a whole could be perceived as a little more intense than usual. Today is also all about transformation and cleansing.

The influences of the portal day

MoonIn this context, portal days generally also represent our own personal mental and spiritual development, especially since there is an increased frequency on these days, i.e. stronger cosmic influences reach us. As a result, our own mind/body/spirit system is often flushed out, transporting internal conflicts into our daily consciousness. In this regard, it should also be said again that we humans can only remain permanently in a high state of consciousness when we resolve our own inner conflicts. Otherwise we will always be confronted with our own inner problems, whether consciously or unconsciously. Nevertheless, portal days do not necessarily have to be stormy in nature, but they can also be perceived as very inspiring, which then becomes noticeable in a fairly pronounced creativity or even in increased life energy. Every person reacts to different days in completely different ways. Well, at the same time, the influences of the lion moon also have an effect on us. In this regard, the moon in the zodiac sign Leo also stands for a more pronounced self-confidence, for a commanding demeanor (at least when one assumes its fulfilled aspects), optimism and often also for a certain generosity and enthusiasm. On the other hand, the moon in the zodiac sign Leo is often represented as the sign of self-expression, theater and the stage, which can generally promote an outward orientation. Otherwise, we are also influenced by four different star constellations. A square between Venus and Saturn came into effect at 03:33 a.m., which is firstly effective for two days and secondly stands for difficult love relationships, disillusionment and sorrow regarding love affairs.

For I call the work will, because if the will is there, one works, be it in works, words or thoughts. – Buddha..!!

At 07:12 a.m. an opposition between the Moon and Mars came into effect, which in turn represents a certain argumentativeness, repression of emotions and moodiness. At 10:21 a.m. a square between the Moon and Uranus takes effect, which promotes a certain willfulness, irritability, changing moods, but also a strong sensuality. Last but not least, a sextile between the Moon and Venus takes effect at 11:48 a.m., which can shape our feelings of love and represents a certain adaptability. Nevertheless, it should be said that the “pure” influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Leo and also the portal day influences will predominate. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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