Today's daily energy on May 09th, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Pisces at 05:10 a.m. and on the other hand by two harmonious and one disharmonious constellation. Otherwise we could still quite strong electromagnetic influences can occur, because our planet was literally flooded yesterday (see picture below).
Moon in Pisces
We once again received countless impulses that were very strong in terms of intensity. Coupled with the solar influences (yesterday there was sunny weather in almost all of Germany), this resulted in a powerful mix of energies. That's why I withdrew a little and enjoyed the good weather. Especially on days like this, I really enjoy going outdoors and trying to let the sun's rays affect me. In this context, the sun not only has a very healing and inspiring influence on our own bodies, but also on our own minds. For this reason, we should go out into the sun as often as possible and recharge our batteries (I understand the influences of the sun this article explained in more detail). Ultimately, this means you can deal with strong electromagnetic influences much better and your own mind/body/spirit system can subsequently process corresponding influences much better. Since sunny weather is forecast for today, at least in our surrounding region, I will definitely indulge in the sunny situation again. By the way, another interesting note: a few people wrote to me yesterday saying that they have the feeling that something bigger could be coming to us (in whatever form that will take), simply for the reason that in the last few days the sky was very clear and hardly any chemtrails or “Haarp clouds” were visible. Admittedly, this is a bit noticeable, as there are now hardly any days on which the sky is not covered in spray or covered by artificial carpets of clouds. Is this the calm before a “storm”?! Well, here we have to wait and observe the daily circumstances.
Well, apart from these influences, the influences of the “Pisces Moon” are particularly present, which could make us sensitive, dreamy and introverted. The influences of a “Pisces Moon” also ensure a vivid imagination and expressive dreams. Ultimately, it is a good idea to withdraw and listen to your own soul. If the electromagnetic influences are also strong (everything points to this), then we could definitely benefit from such a pullback. Relaxing in nature would then be quite beneficial for our own minds. Otherwise, we are also influenced by an opposition (disharmonic angular relationship - 180°) between the sun and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio), which firstly came into effect at 02:39 a.m. and secondly stands for vanity, extravagance, willfulness and waste.
Today's daily energy is mainly, at least in all probability, shaped by strong electromagnetic impulses and the influences of the moon in the zodiac sign Pisces, which is why the day as a whole can be quite intense. Peace, relaxation and mindfulness are therefore the priority..!!
At 04:28 a.m. a sextile (harmonic angular relationship - 60°) between the Moon and Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries) came into effect again, through which we could feel great persuasion, ambition, determination and also a certain desire to travel throughout the day. New methods and paths are in the foreground. Last but not least, a sextile between the Moon and Saturn (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) takes effect late in the evening, which could make us feel much more responsible and pursue goals with care and thoughtfulness. Ultimately, however, it will mainly be the pure influences of the “Pisces Moon” and also the strong electromagnetic influences that will have an effect on us, which is why the day can be intensive (at least this depends on how we deal with it and our own mental orientation), but also very instructive. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
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Moon Constellations Source:
Electromagnetic influences Source: