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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on May 08th, 2018 is shaped by the influences of the Aquarius Moon on the one hand and by three different star constellations on the other. A disharmonious constellation from yesterday is also affecting us. Otherwise, stronger electromagnetic pulses could reach us. I already hinted at this in yesterday's daily energy article, even though I didn't have any information about this.

Three different constellations

daily energyThe Russian Space Observing page has not been updated for a few days. Ultimately, that changed over the course of yesterday and lo and behold, in the last few days, as already suspected, stronger impulses have been reaching us. Yesterday in particular, a lot came down again (see picture below), which is why the same could be the case today. But I can't say that with absolute certainty, because I don't have any data yet. I won't be able to say more about it until tomorrow or later today. Electromagnetic pulsesWell, apart from these influences - which will most likely be present - the influences of various star constellations reach us. On the one hand, the influences of yesterday's Venus/Neptune square (disharmonic angle relationship - 90°) affect us, which could lead to strange feelings that deviate from everyday life (this can be particularly noticeable in our sexuality). This disharmonious constellation could also cause inhibitions in love and strong longings to become manifest. Otherwise, at 01:24 a.m. a trine (harmonic angular relationship - 120°) between the Moon and Venus (in the zodiac sign Gemini) came into effect, which in turn could make our feelings of love very strong. This trine is also a good aspect with regard to love and marriage, which is why it “bites” a little with the previous square. Which influences we accept or in which direction we direct our minds in this regard depends solely on ourselves and the use of our own mental abilities. Nevertheless, conflicts could be avoided due to this constellation. We avoid arguments and arguments.

Due to today's daily energetic influences, we could still feel a stronger urge for freedom within us and act more independently than usual..!!! 

At 06:11 a.m., another square will come into effect, between the Moon and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio), which could make us prone to extravagance and waste, especially in the early morning. Last but not least, at 14:50 p.m. a sextile (harmonic angular relationship - 60°) takes effect between the Moon and Mercury (in the zodiac sign Aries), which gives us a good mind, a great ability to learn, quick wit and, above all, for the rest of the day can provide good judgment. This constellation also shapes our intellectual abilities. In combination with the general influences of the "Aquarius Moon" there is an interesting mix of energies through which we could get a lot going, because as already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article, the Aquarius Moon not only represents brotherhood and social issues, but also for a desire for freedom and independence. Thanks to the sunny weather, we could generally be much more productive in this respect. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Mai/8
Electromagnetic influences Source: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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