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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on July 08th, 2022 brings us influences from the waxing moon, which in turn changes in a few minutes, i.e. at 07:11 a.m., from the zodiac sign Libra to the extremely energetic or impulsive and emotional zodiac sign Scorpio. From today onwards, we will be affected by the influences of a water sign that is very penetrating and, above all, illuminating can have an influence on our own minds. After all, in astrology the moon itself represents our emotional world. And Scorpio, as a very emotional zodiac sign, speaks to our own emotional world in a very special way.

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio – Strong emotions

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Strong emotionsIn this context, Scorpio is always said to have the strongest energy quality in relation to our emotional level. It is not for nothing that medicinal plants, for example, have a significantly higher energy density during the Scorpio Moon. It is precisely for this reason that the full moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio ensures the highest energy density within various plants. Collecting medicinal plants at such a time is therefore a more than perfect time, although collecting medicinal plants is of course always ideal. Well, ultimately the Scorpio full moon is always accompanied by an extremely lively, sometimes even upsetting world of emotions. It is sometimes even said that the scorpion in particular addresses deep shadows within us with its stinger, because in this sense the scorpion stabs into our wounds and thus brings unfulfilled or shadow-heavy parts into our own consciousness so that we can look at these inner conflicts. On the other hand, Scorpio can also make us extremely stubborn and stubborn, sometimes causing us to react completely emotionally to relevant events. On the other hand, Scorpio's water energy also wants to flush everything out of us. In this way, it makes our emotional world flow, or rather, the Scorpio Moon wants to address deep or even firmly anchored emotions in us, so that when we process these feelings, we can create space for more lightness and fullness within us.

Heal primal fears

Heal primal fearsAnd since we are now moving towards a full moon and, in addition, the current energy quality is generally designed for complete self-empowerment and, above all, healing of our own being, this Scorpio Moon can now be a true blessing for us and remove any remaining conflicts or even primal fears in our own system address. In this regard, our entire state of being also ensures the shaping of external reality. The external world always gives us what corresponds to the complete orientation of our own field. The lighter or purer/holy/higher our own field is, the more the external world will present us with circumstances that will in turn confirm to us that we are whole. Or to put it another way, if we are whole, then we can only attract further circumstances, which in turn are of a whole nature. And the primal fears that are deeply anchored in us, some of which run completely automatically in the form of programs, flow into our everyday life and accordingly influence the way we shape reality. In some places this manifests itself in everyday life in that we live out an inner imbalance, for example due to repressed issues, whereby this inner imbalance will show up in the form of external circumstances based on imbalance. Well, today's Scorpio Moon can be very useful in allowing us to recognize these primal themes, which will allow us to initiate deep healing. So let's welcome the influences of the Scorpio Moon and observe what wound the Scorpion's sting might want to pierce. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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