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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on January 08th, 2020 is mainly shaped by the preliminary full moon influences. In this context, I already mentioned in yesterday's daily energy article that we will have a full moon on January 10th at 20:21 p.m Cancer zodiac sign reached. This full moon, i.e. the first full moon of this decade, carries a very special energy.

Two more days until the full moon

The full moon also marks the first highlight of this year/decade and stands not only for perfected states and, above all, for feelings of completion, but also for the conscious use of our own creative power, for the feeling of perfected ideas. In this regard, this is also a circumstance that is already very noticeable. For example, yesterday I was extremely productive and very much anchored in a creator mode. In this regard, I also created/realized ideas of my own, especially related to videos of the upcoming medicinal plant magic course, and was extremely pleased with the results afterwards. In itself, this reminded me how beautiful it is to create something using your own strength and, above all, to let what you have created work on you afterwards. This is where our strongest power and quality lies, namely in creating, because we are creators. It is our most extraordinary ability, which on the one hand is incredibly powerful and on the other hand represents our access to a new reality, because by creating we change our reality - expand our creation. Well, in keeping with the preliminary full moon influences, extremely strong energies are generally reaching us at the moment. Of course, the golden decade or the beginning of the golden decade simply brings with it this intensity, but the intensity of the energetic influences can hardly be put into words. As far as this is concerned, I'll also quote a section from a Facebook page in which the current energies are taken up - Twin souls & soulmates:


We have the most current MASSIVE energetic background (January 6th/7th). It remains to be seen how high it will remain or decrease in the next 12 hours.
From January 4th to 6th, the planet's entire field and collective increased at regular intervals. In the presence of Ruby Ray - Source - Divine Mother Aspect, Source - Love Codes were added for the activity of the Heart Centers (4th and 5th) for the forward expansion and activation of our highest hearts.
We must take into account that the strength of these increases is and will be higher than in 2012 - 2019 '. This is 2020 – New Cycle – and we are fully into it, including the energetic environment.

January 1st – 7th

Since the beginning of this month, our human physical vessel and our crystalline diamond solar light body are under pressure from plasma light and tend to intensify.

• Heat – warmth inside the body; changing temperatures; Sweat; Itching; fear without reason; Need for more or less food, water.
• Cold / Fever / Chills / Temperature / Headache – with cold symptoms related to the crystallization process.

5th – 6th/7th January

MIND MATRIX Clearing – the next level.
Rewriting in perceptual structure. Neural pathways: Form new pathways at a “faster pace” than was previously possible.”

Ultimately, an incredible amount is happening at the moment and the energies are becoming stronger and stronger. We are guided more and more clearly into our highest divine spirit and can realize our true self on all levels of existence. It is truly the most unique time ever. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Jennifer 9. January 2020, 10: 52

      Thank you for the information :) Could you perhaps include more often what symptoms you are currently experiencing, such as freezing, etc.? This often unsettles me.

      LG Jennifer

    Jennifer 9. January 2020, 10: 52

    Thank you for the information :) Could you perhaps include more often what symptoms you are currently experiencing, such as freezing, etc.? This often unsettles me.

    LG Jennifer
