Today's daily energy on February 08th, 2020 is mainly shaped by the influences of the second portal day and consequently gives us an extremely transformative and flushing energy quality. In this context, portal days are a thing of the past always accompanied by a correspondingly strong influence on our own spirit and thereby offer us the opportunity not only to reach our own center, but also show us possibilities through which we can develop our own inner light even more strongly.
Portal days and the coming full moon
Ultimately, these are days on which we ourselves can pass through a comprehensive portal and thereby experience and manifest a new reality, i.e. the experience of a completely new state of consciousness, based on new impressions, beliefs and feelings. We are always reminded of where we currently stand in our own development and, above all, which circumstances are currently in harmony with us and which are not, - how strong the bond with ourselves is.and with it the connection to other people/to the outer world - because the outer world represents our inner world - there is no separation, we are always one with everything). And it is precisely this aspect that is currently more in the foreground than ever before, because the golden decade that has begun is bringing us incredible transformation energy and, as you yourself know, we are currently in a phase in which the collective awakening has taken what feels like its greatest potential . We are inevitably heading towards a big event and countless 5D structures are currently manifesting in the background. The light is therefore spreading more and more and destructive structures or structures based on appearances, disinformation, lies and fear are being uninstalled with all our might. The global and political resistance against this deinstallation is therefore futile and only delays the collective rise a little. In this context, the shadow-heavy also receives less and less support, especially as more and more people awaken and turn to the light, related to all levels of existence (light diet, light mindset, light actions, etc.), give in. And since the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and especially February 02.02.2020nd, XNUMX, this circumstance has been greatly intensified. In this regard, I am also quoting a section from the page at this point (a highly recommended article):
“2020 marks the official arrival of heaven on earth. Heaven is the arrival of the cosmic energies in the Diamond Solar Body of the collective consciousness of Gaia. With the conclusion of 2019, the last crystalline grid structures were connected so that full activation could begin in 2020. This happened on 12/12 (Stargate from December 12.12.2019th, 3) when the last connections were opened and the dismantling of the “old” 4D / 12D ley line grid began. With the collective birth on December XNUMXth, the entire collective began the shift to the crystalline grids of the New Earth / or Diamond Solar Architecture.
What we are witnessing in 2020 is the complete collapse of the old latticeworks or realities and a total merging and activation of the original Diamond-Solar body of the collective consciousness of this star system. The old grids are no longer supported by cosmic energies and will therefore continue to collapse as the year progresses. The Diamond Sun Grids are currently being fully activated and connected to the Cosmic Stargates and Grids for the full amplification and projection of New Earth realities as a collective.
There was a change from the winter solstice to the lunar eclipse in January, where the old grids went offline - and the new earth grids or diamond-solar body came online. The shutdown procedure simply means that realities that run on these old constructs simply play themselves out. This can be seen as disintegration, implosion, destruction and ultimately death. Offline also means that new creations or realities can no longer be created within these constructs. Essentially, those souls who remain in these realities will either choose death or shift consciousness to the New Earth grids/reality constructs this year. This is the true meaning of the end of time and we are experiencing this as a collective in 2020. It is the end of linear time and all realities that run on these “timelines.”
Well, today's portal day energy, which is also reinforced by the fact that yesterday was also a portal day and on the other hand that a powerful full moon will reach us on Sunday, will greatly deepen our individual cleansing process. We are in the most valuable year and, above all, in the most valuable days of all and are experiencing a gigantic rise, it is simply no longer possible to put it into words. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
This probably also includes the dismal election situation in Thuringia...
The new man from the FDP should try it and not let himself be bullied!