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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 08th, 2018 is mainly influenced by the influence of the moon, which in turn will change to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 13:01 p.m. and will then bring us a completely different energy quality. On the other hand, the influences of yesterday's new moon/portal day also have an impact on us, which means that a more intense circumstance can prevail throughout.

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the evening

The moon changes to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the eveningIn this context, the days before and after a full moon/new moon are characterized by a special energy quality and corresponding aspects are increasingly expressed. The influences of the Capricorn zodiac sign could therefore become more evident. In this regard, the moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn also represents a certain sense of duty and a strong determination. On the other hand, the “Capricorn Moon” gives us influences that can make us more serious, thoughtful and persistent, which means we can then pursue our own goals with more persistence. Pleasure and pleasure could be put aside and instead the fulfillment of duty is in the foreground. And due to the fact that yesterday was a new moon (experiencing/initiating new circumstances), this aspect could even be expressed more strongly. In particular, thoughts whose manifestation we may have been putting off for weeks or even months could now be put into action more easily than usual (even if our current mindset and, above all, the individuality of each person obviously play a major role here) .

There are only two days a year when you can't do anything. One is yesterday, the other is tomorrow. This means that today is the right day to love, believe and, above all, live. – Dalai Lama..!!

Well, to briefly share my feelings about yesterday's new moon day, I personally felt slightly tired throughout the day, which was partly due to a long evening before that I spent with a good friend. But even apart from that, I was in a rather unproductive mood overall and devoted myself much more to rest. It was therefore a day in which I withdrew a lot and listened to my own inner world. Nevertheless, I was in a very positive mood inside and felt liberated inside. Incidentally, this is something that I am currently experiencing more and more from day to day, even if I briefly immerse myself in a disharmonious state of consciousness. Somehow everything is moving towards a purified/liberated living situation and I feel inside that a lot of things are possible these days. It feels like huge leaps can be made within one's own thinking and also in terms of one's own well-being. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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