Today's daily energy on August 08th, 2019 is, on the one hand, still characterized by the Scorpio Moon, which means that a more intense mood - at least when referring to the zodiac sign - prevails and, on the other hand, by a powerful event, Because today, in keeping with the past solar storms, we see the complete opening of the so-called Lion's Gate portal (takes place once a year and represents a special spiritual event with an incredible impact).
Lions Gate portal
The opening of the portal began on July 26th (Sun in the zodiac sign Leo) and now reaches today (08.08 – Significant Numerology) its complete opening. Today, which is often described as the brightest day of the year, brings with it an extremely strong cleansing/transformation potential, because as has often been mentioned, such events in particular result in our entire organism being flooded (Light), which usually allows us to free ourselves from negative attachments and old structures. The focus is therefore on overcoming yourself, leaving your own comfort zone, mastering difficult situations and, above all, confronting your own disagreements. On the other hand, this day can also show us our personal development in the process of spiritual awakening and allow us to feel our progress (and it is significantly bigger than many people assume - we have achieved incredible things in the last few months/years - we have developed incredibly further and as a result have massively pushed the collective spirit!!!!!). Either way, today's Lion Gate portal is accompanied by incredible energy and we can expect hours full of "excitement", as always, extremely profound impulses can reach us.
Man is free only in the area of consciousness; consciousness, in turn, is only possible in the present moment. – Leo Tolstoy..!!
Well, finally, I would like to add an exciting section from the side about the Lion Gate portal
“The 8-8 Lion Gate is a celebration of the ancient Lemurian lineage that many lightworkers carry in their soul code and bloodline. We return to modern Gaia in this time, with the Crystal Seeds awakening a new Lemuria and giving birth to our 5D New Earth.
8:8 resonates with the sacred geometry of infinity Figure 8, the symbol of union, integration, harmony, abundance and balanced polarity. The zero point center of infinity exists 'outside of time', in the NOW. In the unpolarized state at zero point, the heart center opens and expands to unite with the quantum field of “All That Is”…. the quantum field of infinite possibilities and potential.
By attuning to the harmonic frequency of the soul presence within the logarithmic spiral, we can restore inner order, balance and stability - while metabolizing waves of crystalline photonic light at a cellular level. The powerful 8:8 superwave of light helps transform physical dense matter into crystalline plasma particles…. and activates the light body for soul embodiment.
On Thursday, August 8th, we will join together in the quantum flow of the Golden Ratio Spiral and travel to the Galactic Center. The 8:8 Löwentor creates an incredible time of accelerated ascent. We will enter the Crystal Star Gate at the Great Central Sun, connect with the 8:8 Lion Gate Portal, enter pure consciousness, untouched potential... we enter into the Source Creator.”
With this in mind, friends, enjoy today's Lion Gate Portal Day and be careful in dealing with the impulses that reach us today - an important event. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, for your helpful information and simply for your BEING. Your videos and articles helped me a lot to regain my strength and confidence.
Thank you
I wish you a lot of strength for your work and continue to be such a shining presence.
All love and light,