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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on October 07th, 2019 is, on the one hand, shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 05:45 a.m. and has since given us influences through which our own freedom orientation is primarily in the foreground (our inner freedom = freedom in the outer world - as within, so without, as without, so within - law of correspondence) and on the other hand from stormy energetic influences, which in turn keep the current change accelerating.

High energy days

High energy daysIn this regard, we have all been experiencing massive transformation processes for months, especially since September and especially since the beginning of October, that are so intense that we are being led into completely new depths of our own being. The associated and, above all, inevitable potentiation goes beyond all limits and it is hard to imagine the extent to which we are currently experiencing expansions in consciousness from day to day. The acceleration is incredible and the days are really tough. A wave of light or a wave of spiritual realignment inspires the collective and all of our connections (which at the end of the day represent the connection to ourselves) are or rather have been taken to a new level. Just yesterday I was philosophizing with a good friend about the intensity/magic of the current days (Greetings go out at this point - the conversation referred to yesterday and the day before yesterday) and we both felt how strong it was at the moment (in the background) new highly important upgrades (5D programs) have been installed in the background. So the last 2-3 days have been extremely profound and insightful (many things viewed from new perspectives), on the other hand, very stormy (intensive cleansing process - hard training & hard confrontation, which in turn resulted in strong love) and last but not least, incredibly mystical and mood-changing, hard to put into words (as I'm sure most of you did too).

We are currently heading towards the golden decade at a tremendous pace and will experience a concentration of energy until then, which in turn will fully charge the final months and inspire the collective. We are now being led into a completely new time and are experiencing the dissolution of countless old residual structures (ego overactivity)..!!

Well, today will join all these special and, above all, highly transformative processes and will therefore affect us even more profoundly. And especially through the Aquarius Moon, another special energy quality becomes manifest, an energy that calls for freedom, brotherhood and, above all, individuality (self-determination) sounds. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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