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daily energy

Today's daily energy on October 07th, 2018 is still mainly influenced by the moon in the zodiac sign Virgo, which means that we could experience more pronounced intellectual powers and also be more reliable, receptive, analytical and generally more dutiful. On the other hand, a certain distance could also be taken, i.e we isolate ourselves a little and pursue our own ambitions and projects.

Strong energetic influences

Strong energetic influencesThe website astroschmid.ch expresses this as follows:

“With the Moon in Virgo, you tend to react to people and events in a reserved manner. People generally prefer to work quietly behind the scenes, remaining incognito but taking care of everything and everything in detail and seeing that all aspects of a project or relationship show perfection. Sometimes people with Moon in Virgo run the risk of losing track of things. You are sensitive to demanding and always find out where others are lacking in their thinking and actions. You react to others depending on how healthy and orderly they are.

Methodology and care, good intellectual powers, strong discernment, insight into necessities are present. They are very reliable and achieve success in writing and studying. Your mind is receptive, has quick comprehension, and learns languages ​​easily. Mostly very smart, humble and honest people. They are good speakers, principled, orderly, pay attention to detail and want to be of service to others. For many people, altruistic service to others is a wish. Self-discovery occurs through classification into reality and hierarchy. They are correct appearances that pay attention to personal hygiene.”

Ultimately, the influences also serve our own personal progress or express themselves in a certain amount of self-reflection. At the same time, it should also be said that the lingering influences of yesterday's portal day are still affecting us. As far as this is concerned, a real “storm” of energies regarding the planetary resonance frequency reached us yesterday. As you can see in the picture linked below, there was a strong energetic environment for a full 11 hours. Today, some of these influences will certainly continue to resonate and give us special impulses regarding growth and inner awareness. Influences regarding the planetary resonance frequencyWell, last but not least, I would like to emphasize again how magical the current “quality of time” is and, above all, how much potential can be released. The pursuit or implementation of higher goals, the development of ourselves and also the unveiling of our own true inner core are currently taking place at a rapid pace, which is why we can achieve incredible things. It is truly a magical and fantastic time. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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