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daily energy

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Today it's that time again and another new moon reaches us, to be precise it's also a new moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio. Ultimately, this new moon will definitely come with a very renewing and deepening quality of energy, Not only because new moons generally bring with them a strong energetic intensity, but because the current month of November, similar to October, brings with it enormous potential.

Transformation energies & transformation processes

daily energyIn this context, the last new moon on October 09th brought us some very turbulent and transformative energetic currents, which could be noticeable, for example, in a changed perception and also in changing states of consciousness. Ultimately, various letting go processes were intensified and we were able to recognize and deal with some inner conflicts (incidentally, this is a topic that can play a larger role not only in October, but also currently). For this reason, all processes can be intensified again on today's new moon day, especially since stronger solar winds reached us a few days ago and in general the influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency were very strong (see yesterday Daily Energy Article). Transformation and purification processes are therefore still in the foreground and continue to lead to profound changes within our own state of being. In this regard, it also feels as if the corresponding acceleration is becoming ever greater. Especially if you look at the past few months up to the present day, you can see how strongly these processes are being expressed.

The last few months have been extraordinarily intense in terms of energetic quality and have therefore had a significant impact on the collective state of consciousness. This intensification has not yet come to an end and will continue to take on larger dimensions..!! 

A permanent unveiling is taking place and we humans ourselves are increasingly being asked to immerse ourselves in a state of consciousness or to manifest a state of consciousness that is no longer tied to the current apparent system and also no longer tied to currently existing low-frequency, unnatural and unnatural circumstances but rather frees oneself from everything, overcomes all inner conflicts and, as a result, experiences a spiritual expression/elevation again.

Into the depths of our being

daily energy For this reason, today's new moon will massively intensify this process and can therefore also be responsible for profound processes. In my experience, this also happens in a very special way on new and full moon days, even if you don't consciously notice it, but these moon phases are always accompanied by an energy quality that changes a lot of things in us, yes, even partially can fundamentally change our thinking (already experienced often enough). And since the new moon is “anchored” in the zodiac sign Scorpio, i.e. a zodiac sign that is not only associated with strong energetic movement and an extremely emotional mood, but also stands for emotional depth like no other zodiac sign, we could now do the same be asked or even have the experience of diving into our own deepest mental layers. It therefore boils down to our own inner state and the new moon can help us gain a clearer view of our own emotional processes and behaviors. On the giesow.de website it was formulated as follows:

“The new moon itself reaches deep into the unconscious and Scorpio is the sign with the greatest depth. This means that the new moon in Scorpio can lead us to our greatest depths. There we can encounter fears, compulsions, old feelings and karmic deposits. If we are open, we can transform these energies through loving awareness and ideally a profound transformation can occur. It is important that we do not project the feelings that arise within us in the days around the new moon in Scorpio onto other people, but rather recognize them as our own.”

Ultimately, we can be curious to see to what extent the new moon will affect our own current state of life and consciousness and, above all, to what extent we will experience the day. Well, last but not least, appropriately for the new moon, I would like to draw attention to a latest video of mine regarding incarnation, life after death and the infinity of one's own life (immortality of the soul). If you are interested in these topics, you can watch the video. Link to it below this section. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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