On the one hand, today's daily energy on June 07th, 2019 is still characterized by the moon in the zodiac sign Leo, i.e. we could continue to experience moods that in turn are characterized by a more pronounced self-confidence, optimism, Assertiveness, drive and a corresponding willpower are characterized. On the other hand, the strong planetary resonance frequency also affects us (see picture below – Russian Space Observing Center).
Planetary Resonant Frequency Update
In this context, I will give you another update and point out the intensity of the current frequency. As far as this is concerned, the influences have not flattened out in the last few weeks, on the contrary, strong planetary resonance frequency influences have been reaching us every day for weeks, sometimes it is even really stormy, which at the end of the day is absolutely consistent, as these make clear Influences but the incredible transformation potential that prevails.
On the other hand, this also reflects the current state of collective consciousness. This is on a huge journey, i.e. it is expanding in extremely high directions and is inevitably heading towards our origin. It is not for nothing that more and more people, especially those who have already done a lot of transformation work and made progress in their spiritual awakening, are experiencing a complete recollection. As I said, I can only bring it up again and again, the return to our original consciousness, which ultimately means a spiritual state, i.e. a person who is aware of his origin (you yourself are the creator, the source of everything, the primal force), based on natural abundance, self-love and inner strength/independence, is completely in the foreground. All 3D structures continue to be uninstalled in the background. Shadows can therefore show up in an intense way, simply because it is a massive cleansing, everything "heavy" is released from our system and we fully ascend. That's why it's more important than ever that we don't close our eyes to all of this and subsequently accept the cleaning processes. An impressive frequency adjustment/increase takes place. We are experiencing the biggest “shift” of all and should therefore be grateful for this special phase. Pure magic that prevails friends, pure magic. Well, finally, I would like to refer you again to my latest video, in which I discussed our origins, medicinal herbs and also the highly pure primeval water. Originally the video was only intended for our Facebook group “Lebendigesurwasser”, but somehow yesterday I got the impulse to publish the video on YouTube as well. With this in mind, if you haven't seen the video yet, I highly recommend it to you. Stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Good morning... (I don't even know what YOUR name is :-)))
I just watched your video and think it's great, so much honest heart energy and joy in life, supported by real gratitude - simply wonderful!
If I lived near you, I would immediately start collecting herbs, I used to do that regularly with my grandma when I was an 11 to 14 year old boy and you have now reminded me of it again - THANK YOU - I will go collecting again ;-) .
Where can I get information about water treatment, that sounds super interesting?
I would be very happy to receive a short email from you with your direct contact => just send me an email mail@daniel-hartig.de
Warm & sunny greetings from Berlin