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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on February 07th, 2021 heralds the cold phase that has been announced several times and can cause icy temperatures in many regions of our country, accompanied by heavy snowfall and above all snowstorms. No matter what the reasons for the previous instability of the polar vortex were (or the splitting of the vertebra), whereby polar air now floods Central Europe in particular, i.e. whether this is a regenerating process from Mother Earth, or whether this is weather manipulation using Haarp and co. was operated, either way, extremely clarifying and above all pure winds/airs have now reached us. Clear air from the northern polar regions reaches our consciousness and that can bring with it many special features.

Energetic shift

In this context, the transition into this new energy was also noticeable in a unique way. Yesterday, for example I went for a walk in the forest with my brother in the afternoon. The temperatures were still quite pleasant. During the walk the circumstances changed suddenly. Suddenly the temperature dropped massively. It was getting windier and windier and you could actually feel how the surrounding air felt different, and even smelled clearer. We had not yet noticed such a massively noticeable and, above all, sudden cold snap. Towards the evening the temperature dropped significantly. The night sky turned white and a mixture of heavy snow and freezing rain reached us. And now today it's snowing constantly. There are denser masses of snow everywhere and at the same time stormy winds are sweeping the snow off roofs, which is truly beautiful to see. Ultimately, this ushered in the deep, or rather ice-cold, winter and we ourselves can draw incredible energy from this change in weather. What is particularly important is that now, shortly before spring, we go into ourselves and find ourselves even more strongly or our true self. The icy cold draws us into retreat and is therefore perfect for us to work on ourselves and immerse ourselves in the magic of our own deepest being. As I said, we all have immeasurable creative powers and as a source we are able to lead the world in a completely new direction.

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Through a clarified mind, a harmonious inner attitude, a strong or consolidated divine self-image, through an unshakable basic trust and above all through the wisdom that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE AND EVERYTHING CAN BE CREATED BY YOURSELF, THAT THERE ARE NO LIMITS (“except self-imposed - that's not possible, that's not possible, I can't do that, I'll never do that, that doesn't exist..."), we can do more than move mountains and, over time, attract/make abilities come true that go beyond anything imaginable. Anyone who has God consciousness deep within them and the goal or vision of a golden age that is becoming more and more true will increasingly make this come true in the world. For this reason, the cold snap is very convenient for us, because it also brings a lot of people out of the everyday “horror”, i.e. it can ensure that many people give their own focus/energy to the system, Corona and all that comes with it Escape from “problems” and, as a result, be able to devote yourself to much more luminous ideas. All the snow, as a symbol of purity, immaculateness and perfection, also shows us a state that can be experienced or even wanted to be experienced. As a direct mirror, we may even be able to see our inner purity. Either way, ultimately the current phase brings with it incredible magic from which we can derive enormous benefit and we should make use of this power. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Leave a Comment

    • Elfi 7. February 2021, 14: 10

      Think and pray for the wild animals too, that they get through this.
      LG Elfi

    • Tailor Patricia 8. February 2021, 21: 08


    Tailor Patricia 8. February 2021, 21: 08


    • Elfi 7. February 2021, 14: 10

      Think and pray for the wild animals too, that they get through this.
      LG Elfi

    • Tailor Patricia 8. February 2021, 21: 08


    Tailor Patricia 8. February 2021, 21: 08

