Today's daily energy on February 07th, 2018 is largely determined by the influences of the portal day, which is why a very energetic circumstance reaches us. We could experience much easier access to our own soul life on this day and subsequently become aware of our own mental discrepancies that we have created ourselves. In this context, portal days serve our own development and can provide reorientation.
Today's portal day
On the other hand, the focus is also on creating a living environment in which our soul can develop completely freely. Instead of constantly having to succumb to negative feelings, which keeps us trapped in a low frequency, it is important to discover and clean up our own sources of interference in order to be able to create a reality in which our own lives are continually filled with happiness, harmony and... Peace is accompanied. Ultimately, we can put the corresponding plans into practice perfectly today, because parallel to the portal day, the influences of the Scorpio Moon are still affecting us (active since yesterday - 04:56 a.m.) and a moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio can make us very fearless , overcome yourself and become active. New things can be optimally manifested and we tend to overcome ourselves. It's not for nothing that Scorpio moons always give us strong energies and create an impulsive state of mind (which doesn't necessarily have to result in arguments).
Today's daily energy is shaped by countless influences. On the one hand, from five star constellations, from the moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio and on the other hand from the portal day. We are therefore faced with an extremely energetic circumstance..!!
For this reason, due to today's portal day, in combination with the influences of the Scorpio Moon, we can create an optimal circumstance to overcome ourselves and push our limits. Otherwise, parallel to the strong energetic circumstances, one or two star constellations will also reach us.
Four lunar connections effective
A square between the Moon and Mercury (in the zodiac sign Aquarius) came into effect at 00:45 a.m., which could give us good spiritual gifts during this time. Nevertheless, this constellation could also superficially suit us and be responsible for our acting inconsistently and hastily. Almost two hours later, at 02:37 a.m., we reached a sextile between Venus (in the zodiac sign Aquarius) and Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries), which could make us very receptive to love. We were also able to experience strong excitability at this time; we were sometimes very artistic and very fond of entertainment. At 05:36 a.m. there was a connection between the Moon and Neptune (effective in the zodiac sign Pisces), to be precise a trine, which could give us an impressive mind, a strong imagination and a good gift of empathy, which is why early risers directly deal with the effects of one were blessed with a positive constellation. At 19:15 p.m. we reach another positive connection, namely a sextile between the Moon and Pluto (in the zodiac sign Capricorn). This constellation can awaken our sentimental nature and have a very strong impact on our emotional life. Last but not least, a conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio) will reach us at 22:57 p.m., which could result in greater financial gains and social success at the end of the day. Because of this connection, our emotional life could also be more pronounced and ambition could be awakened in us.
Due to today's very strong energetic circumstances, it would be advisable to recharge a little energy in nature, eat naturally or even pursue other harmonious activities, simply in order to be able to process the influences optimally..!!
Ultimately, countless lunar constellations reach us parallel to the portal day, which is why this day will truly be full of energy. A lot of different influences reach us and we can therefore expect a very dynamic circumstance. But how we deal with the influences at the end of the day depends entirely on us and the use of our own mental abilities. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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