Today's daily energy on September 06th, 2020 gives us a completely new energy quality overall, because the days from September 01st to September 04th, i.e. the complete beginning of September, have made a complete realignment manifest and the whole thing Collectively taken to a new level. The standstill or the massive anomaly on the diagram of the planetary/Schumann resonance frequency made this very clear.
What has happened in the past few days?
As in the last one Daily Energy Article addressed, the readings of the Russian Space Observing Center in Tomsk recorded anomalies or values that we have not seen in all these years. A corresponding standstill prevailed for a few days, i.e. the planetary resonance frequency showed the fundamental frequency 7.83 Hz completely unchanged. This was followed by a long blackshift, which then came to an end on September 04th. As several sources have reported in the meantime, however, some assumed that there was no measurement failure, i.e. the instruments continued to function fully and measured the planetary resonance frequency exactly.

Much more is now being said about a gigantic readjustment, a magnetic field shift and a huge impact. At this point I can only recommend the video linked below, because it explains the processes of the past few days in much more detail.
Well, ultimately we are therefore experiencing a gigantic ascension into a new frequency. Since the end of August and the accompanying millions of demos for a free world in Germany (also accompanied by demonstrations around the world) and the subsequent full moon in the zodiac sign Pisces on September 02nd, an energy was simply bundled and released that you can hardly imagine. In this context, one can meanwhile also speak of a critical mass of awakened people/creators that has been far surpassed (particularly related to an awareness of the illusory system). However, as more people become awake and focus their own minds on all 5D processes, this energy becomes more manifest throughout the world. So what we are experiencing now is a shift triggered by the huge number of people who have woken up. We all helped trigger the current shift and consequently laid the biggest foundation stone EVER for a coming golden age. 2020 is therefore the key year of all, a year in which there were more changes in the collective spirit than in any year before.
And the exciting part is that the year isn't even over yet. In the coming months we will therefore experience QUANTUM LEAPS of the BEST. Everything will change at a speed we have NEVER experienced before. The NEW BEGINNING has come. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
Thank you for your endless effort, dear Yannick. This article touched me deeply, delighted and relaxed me. It wasn't so easy to always keep your balance lately.
Wishing you all the best
LG Ellen 0