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Today's daily energy on September 06th, 2018 is mainly characterized by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Leo at 15:53 p.m. and from then on gives us influences that allow us to act much more confidently, optimistically and dominantly. In this context, the zodiac sign Leo also stands for self-portrayal, as has often been mentioned in a number of Tagesenergie articles. which is why on such days there can be an outward orientation (complete opposite compared to the zodiac sign Cancer, which in turn determines the first half of the day).

Moon in the sign of Leo

Moon in the sign of LeoOf course, a corresponding external orientation does not have to be available or experienced. Corresponding behaviors are only favored by lunar influences, but our own spiritual alignment still flows in here and also our ability to decide for ourselves what kind of influences we mentally resonate with or, better said, to what extent we adjust ourselves vibrationally. On the other hand, one should not ignore the fulfilled or positive aspects of a Leo moon, because the moon in the zodiac sign Leo can also stand for joie de vivre, assertiveness and optimistic attitudes to life. Self-awareness, generosity, generosity, and persevering behavior, which can benefit us in myriad walks of life, can therefore be more noticeable. In the next two to three days, due to these lunar influences, we will have a good time not only to pursue our own goals in life full of optimism, but also to let more self-confidence manifest. Otherwise, Saturn is also worth mentioning, which ends its retrograde phase and now, from 13:08 p.m., becomes direct again (retrograde planets are often associated with disharmonious circumstances, but often also with issues that are now becoming, or should become, more relevant to us. In the case of directness, the opposite is the case. In addition, retrogression, viewed symbolically, is associated with an inward force. In the case of a direct movement, one speaks, symbolically, of a force directed outwards.) The direct phase of Saturn also gives us completely new influences. At this point I would like to quote you a text passage from the site: giesow.de regarding these influences:

"When Saturn becomes direct, we can plan more concretely, develop structures and regulate responsibilities. We may now have another opportunity to make up for mistakes we made or to seize missed opportunities again.”

The direct phase of Saturn is therefore very beneficial to us, especially with regard to the implementation of everyday duties, the implementation of our own projects and our personal responsibility. In combination with the moon, this also results in a powerful mixture of energies, through which we can not only implement thoughts whose manifestation we may have been putting off for a long time, but we can also pursue our own goals in life with zeal . In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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