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Today's daily energy on October 06th, 2018 is mainly shaped by the moon, which in turn changed to the zodiac sign Virgo at 01:19 a.m. and has since given us influences that could make us much more analytical and critical overall. We could also be in a significantly more productive and health-conscious mood than usual due to the “Virgo Moon”, which can ultimately benefit us quite a bit.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in VirgoOn the other hand, today is also a portal day, which is why we will generally have much stronger energetic influences and the day can be perceived as very transformative/cleansing on the one hand, but also as exhausting and intense on the other. As has often been mentioned, our current “mindset”, our current living conditions and our own sensitivity also play a role here. The reactions to these strong influences can therefore vary greatly. Nevertheless, one thing is certain and that is that these strong energies, whether we experience them as pleasant or even stormy, benefit us greatly and greatly benefit our own current development process. Especially in this special month, these days have a very special quality, because we are currently being brought very close to our true being, i.e. our true nature, and many veils seem to be lifting. New living conditions and, above all, feelings arise and a conclusion to old, sustainable living conditions becomes more evident. Due to the moon in the zodiac sign “Virgo”, we can also take advantage of this again, because due to the “Virgo moon”, our work or projects and fulfillment of duties are also in the foreground.

We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts. We form the world with our thoughts. – Buddha..!!

We could therefore work much more easily on the manifestation of various projects and tackle matters that we may have been putting off for some time. The energies are therefore very inspiring in nature and can shake up a lot of things in us, yes, even give us a real boost internally. We can therefore be excited to see how today will develop and what awaits us in the coming days. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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