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Aquarius Moon

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Today's daily energy on May 06th, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Aquarius at 16:48 p.m. and on the other hand by three different star constellations. In addition, today it is stronger overall Influences (for example stronger electromagnetic influences) will affect us, because it is another portal day.

Another portal day

Aquarius MoonUltimately, the influences of the “Aquarius Moon” could also be strengthened. In this context, Aquarius moons also generally represent our relationships with friends, brotherhood and social issues. Because of this, we may become more emotional than usual when it comes to social issues. Otherwise, the Aquarius Moon could also trigger a certain urge for freedom in us. Aquarius moons also stand for freedom, independence and self-responsibility, which is why the next two and a half days are perfect for working on the manifestation of new projects. This primarily refers to projects through which we could possibly manifest more freedom in our lives (experience the feeling of freedom). The focus is also on our self-realization and the associated manifestation of a state of consciousness, from which a freedom-oriented reality emerges. Freedom is actually a big keyword in this context, because on days when the moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius, an urge for freedom can be very present. These feelings or moods are then reinforced by the influences of the portal day circumstance. The strong cosmic rays will also have a significant influence on our state of mind and represent transformation and purification. Otherwise, as already mentioned in the first section, three star constellations are effective. So at 09:19 a.m. we reach a conjunction (neutral aspect - tends to be harmonious in nature - depends on constellations/angular relationship 0°) between the Moon and Mars (in the zodiac sign Capricorn), which, especially at this time, makes us easily irritable, boastful, can be chatty, but also passionate.

Today's daily energetic influences are very intense in nature due to the portal day and can bring with them a lot of transformation potential..!!

It continues at 15:47 p.m. with a square (disharmonic angular relationship - 90°) between the Moon and Uranus (in the zodiac sign Aries), which could cause us to be eccentric, headstrong, fanatical, exaggerated, irritable and moody. Above all, these moods become more pronounced when we are disharmonious beforehand and then resonate with the influences. Last but not least, almost 10 minutes later, a sextile between the Sun (in the zodiac sign Taurus) and Neptune (in the zodiac sign Pisces) comes into effect, through which our feelings (our perception) could be significantly refined. An inclination towards mystical themes and a love for everything “beautiful” could also be sparked within us. Nevertheless, it should be said that today we will mainly be affected by the increased influences of the Aquarius Moon and, above all, the influences of the portal day, which is why the day could be quite intense. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Mai/6

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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