Today's daily energy on March 06th, 2020 still goes hand in hand with the current ascension intensity and, above all, the current cleansing impulses and therefore continues to favor the gigantic process of change on ours Planets. In this context, humanity is currently rising more strongly than ever before, which is made clear by the overarching shadow-heavy experience of many people.
The greatest ascension process
In this regard, it is hard to ignore that the Corona issue has put the collective in fear and is therefore focused on illness rather than healing. It is a huge collective shadow, a huge open spiritual primal wound and above all a huge dark blockage that is currently flowing through the collective and is being cleaned up or transformed in the process (a circumstance that ultimately creates more space for healing and light - heavy energies/low frequencies are vibrated out, which subsequently manifests an increase in frequency - and such a process is currently taking place across the board). Now, apart from the intense energy intensity and away from experiencing this enormous shadow, the whole thing is also evident in the name that flows through the states of consciousness of all people, Corona. And Corona means/stands for crown or wreath (Thank you at this point for bringing this to my attention).
Humanity takes the scepter into its hand
This wreath or crown can be viewed as ambiguous. On the one hand, it symbolizes the elite power structures that in turn have instilled fear in the collective and therefore STILL have the power to direct the masses (they wear the crown), on the other hand, the crown also stands for the current rise (true return to the crown of creation – as a fully awakened God-man), because we are within the golden decade, i.e. within a divine awakening phase in which humanity takes the scepter in hand, puts on the crown and begins to act again from its pure creator consciousness. And it is precisely from this perspective that we should look at the current situation in the world. There is no standstill in itself, but rather we are going through the greatest purification and ascension process of all and are in the process of transforming into fully awakened godmen. Our reality is becoming more and more frequent and we are moving in the most luminous direction of all. Well, today's daily energy is therefore inevitably linked to this overarching process and will continue to flood our system with strong energies. The daily energy therefore continues to serve our ascension process and in a very special way.
Thank you very much, I see it that way too!
Additional information about “Corona”:
Our connection to the divine, the creator consciousness, has a lot to do with our crown chakra...
one more thing:
The heart also has its crown - the coronary arteries.
For me an indication of the importance of heart development or liberation of the heart....
Info from a medical website:
Coronary arteries
The heart beats constantly and performs at its best during physical exertion. The most important thing it needs is oxygen. The heart receives oxygen and nutrients through the coronary arteries. These surround the heart in a ring shape and are therefore also known in technical language as coronary arteries or coronary arteries (Latin “corona”: crown, wreath).