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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on June 06th, 2022 continues to bring us the energies of Pentecost, which puts the energy quality of the holy spirit or a healed/holy/healing spirit in the foreground. In this context, Pentecost essentially stands for the festival of the harvest, which generally fits perfectly with the current filling energies or general June harvest energies On the other hand, Pentecost stands above all for the return or rather inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Our own human consciousness, which we repeatedly bind to matter and accordingly envelop in heaviness, wants to rise, be enveloped in lightness and thereby experience healing or holiness.


daily energyToday's festival is symbolic of the earthly spirit or the spirit that is bound to matter, but in which the potential to rise to the highest air and, for that matter, to heal oneself is permanently anchored (holy spirit = holy state of consciousness). At any given moment, there is the possibility that we can fully open our own hearts and, as a result, be completely imbued with holiness. It is similar to what is described in the book of Acts. It describes disciples in Jerusalem who were suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and were immediately able to speak and understand unknown languages. Incidentally, the sudden learning or even the sudden return of a complete language describes a circumstance that we can all experience when we have re-entered our highest/holy master state (Keyword: extraordinary abilities). Now, 50 days after the resurrection of Christ, we celebrate Pentecost and can reflect purely symbolically on the special event in the Acts of the Apostles. As I said, if we heal our own spirit, i.e. if we wrap our spirit in holiness and thereby develop our full potential again, i.e. if we can let the holiness become manifest in our own consciousness/spirit again, then anything can truly be experienced . There are then no longer any limits, but rather we are anchored in a state from which we can permanently work miracles.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in VirgoWell, on the other hand, the waxing moon changes to the zodiac sign Virgo at 08:19 a.m., giving us the energies of the earth element. Earth signs are generally always accompanied by an energy quality of grounding. Rooting yourself, feeling secure and, above all, standing on a stable foundation in life is always the priority. And the Virgo zodiac sign in particular always comes with a lot of security that needs to be manifested. So Virgos like to triple check circumstances before getting into something. Having a good feeling or being absolutely sure is always the focus in this regard. And grounding yourself in these high-energy days can only benefit us all. At this point it is more important than ever that we all root ourselves in an inner state of harmony and learn to withstand external harmful influences. An incredible number of instances want to drag us into gravity and it is up to us what we agree to at this point. Let us therefore use today's Pentecost energies and ground ourselves with the Virgo Moon. If necessary, we can also keep our own animated or sanctified spirit present. Instead of constantly falling out of high or calm/divine states, it is time that we manage to remain anchored in our inner peace in the long term. And perhaps today's Pentecost energies favor exactly such a project. Well, finally, I would like to point out my latest video again, in which I generally discussed various exciting topics relating to one's own awakening process. Above all, the focus was on decoupling from the current matrix system. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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