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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on January 06th, 2020 continues to be shaped by the strong decade energies and therefore leads us even deeper into our own divinity and consequently into our own self-realization/God-realization. The permanent connection to an associated divine reality is therefore becoming more and more feasible and we ourselves are in the process of experiencing great things.

The portal day calendar for this year

Thanks to the strong transitional energies and especially thanks to the golden decade, we find ourselves in a powerful energetic field and can experience and, above all, express the limitlessness of our higher self. Everything is given to us, because acting from our divine self is accompanied by the strongest potential of all, i.e. we can experience everything that we would like to experience in our incarnation (because if we consider ourselves to be divine, then we are granted circumstances that are in turn divine in nature & correspond to a god - if you have a small image of yourself, then correspondingly "small" things are granted to you - you attract that you are what you radiate, that which corresponds to the image of yourself). The highest image of ourselves therefore gives us immeasurable power and allows us to attract maximum abundance. As I said, when we bring to life the highest divine image of ourselves, when we ourselves act from a reality in which we know/feel that we ourselves are God (since we have created the entire existence based on our own mental imagination - imagine something else, what is the imagined, just an imagined image, i.e. a possible reality, which you in turn can recognize as truth, - you decide, as the creator yourself, which reality you bring to life and, above all, which image you choose - THEY ARE ALL JUST IMAGINATIONS/IMAGES THAT YOU CREATE FOR YOURSELF), then we will experience all the things that are again divine in nature.

The law of resonance constantly interacts with our own mind or is constantly active, because we ourselves constantly resonate with ideas of our own. In doing so, we increasingly experience the circumstances/conditions with which we in turn resonate more strongly. The image of ourselves is crucial for our reality and, above all, for the things that we attract into our lives, because the image of ourselves is based on the image that we have of the world. It is our reality that we live out every day. It is reality/it is the ideas that we decide on and subsequently make come true. Changing our own self-image is therefore the key to changing our own reality, because the image of ourselves - ourselves, is the reality..!! 

Today's daily energy, as well as the days to come, will present us with countless circumstances through which we can realize our own divinity. And this aspect is reinforced by special cosmic events, for example full and new moons (The next full moon will reach us on January 10th) and through portal days (Days on which strong cosmic currents reach us and which are all about transformation). In this context, we will once again receive countless portal days this year. At this point I'll also link the portal days for this year, at least two versions, because in my research I always came across two different versions (There were actually three versions, one of which was only limited to half a year), which were postponed by two days, especially from March. I would therefore be very grateful for information from you, i.e. which calendar is the right one (It feels like it's the first time I've seen such strong deviations):

January 01st / 04th / 12th / 17th / 20th / 25th / 31st

February 07th / 08th / 15th / 19th

March 07th / 09th / 28th / 29th

April 17th / 19th

May 06th / 10th / 17th / 18th / 25th / 31st

05/08/13/21/24/29 June

02/12-21 July

21nd-30th August

September 09th / 12th / 17th / 20th / 28th

October 03rd / 06th / 11th / 17th / 24th / 25th

November 01st / 05th / 22nd / 24th

December 13th / 14th

Source: crystal-of-sirius.de/maya-kalender/

January 01st / 04th / 12th / 17th / 20th / 25th / 31st

February 07th / 08th / 15th / 19th

07. / 09. / 29 / 30 March

18 / 20. April

07 / 11 / 17. / 18 / 19 / 26 May

01/06/09/14/22/25 /30. June

03/13-22 (tenth portal days) July

22.-31. (ten portal days) August

10th / 13th / 18th / 21st / 29th September

04/07/12/18/25/26 October

02/06/23/25  November

14 / 15 December

Source: engelbibliothek.de/portaltage-2020/

Well, deviations or not, one way or another we will have many portal days this year, which will strengthen and deepen our individual experience of God even more. Exciting months lie ahead of us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Anke Hindrichs Kotthaus 6. January 2020, 14: 22

      Hello Yannik, the deviations regarding the portal days have to do with the dimensional shift that took place with the entry into the Golden Jerusalem. Apart from that, the spiritual world is currently playing with the energies, i.e. they are creating completely new ones; pull out old ones and bring in new ones. They work particularly intensively on balancing female and male energy. Various portals were also opened from Earth. 14 of 36 are now open. The last portals were Lemurian and Germany, Poland and Russia are now being flooded very intensively with Lemurian energy, which has immense effects on people. Between January 15.01th. and 22.01. According to Vywamos and the Universal Information Center, there will be a Big Bang due to, among other things, the planetary constellation. With this powerful energy, the planet is further lifted, rotated and then anchored in the Milky Way. You are certainly already feeling the strong energetic pangs. I can hardly think clearly today.

      All the best,



    Anke Hindrichs Kotthaus 6. January 2020, 14: 22

    Hello Yannik, the deviations regarding the portal days have to do with the dimensional shift that took place with the entry into the Golden Jerusalem. Apart from that, the spiritual world is currently playing with the energies, i.e. they are creating completely new ones; pull out old ones and bring in new ones. They work particularly intensively on balancing female and male energy. Various portals were also opened from Earth. 14 of 36 are now open. The last portals were Lemurian and Germany, Poland and Russia are now being flooded very intensively with Lemurian energy, which has immense effects on people. Between January 15.01th. and 22.01. According to Vywamos and the Universal Information Center, there will be a Big Bang due to, among other things, the planetary constellation. With this powerful energy, the planet is further lifted, rotated and then anchored in the Milky Way. You are certainly already feeling the strong energetic pangs. I can hardly think clearly today.

    All the best,


