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solar eclipse

Today's daily energy on January 06th, 2019 is mainly shaped by the influences of a new moon (in the zodiac sign Capricorn) and, above all, an associated partial solar eclipse, which is why we have a very special quality of energy. In this context, one also speaks of a partial solar eclipse when the umbra of the Moon misses the Earth and as a result only the penumbra falls on the Earth's surface. This happens when the moon positions itself between the sun and the earth, but only obscures part of the sun (in a total solar eclipse, the sun would be completely darkened/obscured).

Partial solar eclipse – special impulses

A partial solar eclipse reaches usIt should be said that a partial solar eclipse (just like a lunar eclipse) is said to have a very special potential (At its core, everything has a corresponding energetic signature, a coding, a radiation, a vibration level and this in turn affects our mind, whether consciously or unconsciously). Here we also like to talk about the fact that deeply hidden structures or even feelings can arise within us, i.e. “eclipses” are generally about recognizing our own deep-seated blockages or other mental structures, for example positive developments or mental intentions. The influences are extremely strong and our individual issues or our current state of being is crucial here. As has been mentioned many times, we are experiencing a massive unveiling in the current phase and are consequently finding more and more of our true nature. Countless disharmonious behaviors or beliefs/conflicts (Program), which we usually repress or which simply evade our awareness during the day, can therefore come to the fore, because they are patterns through which we experience states of consciousness characterized by a low frequency. However, this does not correspond to our true nature, which is why on such days we can be asked to recognize/clean up corresponding patterns. An ascension into 5D (high-frequency state of consciousness) cannot be experienced directly when we deal with everyday structures through which we experience suffering etc. (a low frequency). Of course, such experiences also represent an important aspect of our becoming whole, no question about it, but these programs are becoming less and less valid in the current phase (expansion and fullness want to be experienced). When many conflicts have been resolved, then such days show us our own newly created abundance or our abundance consciousness. We look inside ourselves and recognize the massive progress we have made in the past few months. Today can therefore also be experienced in a very gentle way, especially since these energies always serve our own mental and spiritual well-being. Incidentally, such days (even before and after an eclipse/new moon) can be very formative, and I have experienced this often in the last few months and weeks (see the past moon phases and events). At this point I would also like to quote a section from the site susanne-glaser.de, more precisely an article, which is about the partial solar eclipse and new moon energies:

"With the new moon on January 6.1.19th, XNUMX, which conjures up a partial solar eclipse in the sky in Asia and the Pacific, strong and intense energies come to earth that give us strength and courage to jump over our own shadows realize what is important to us – breaking new ground. If we want to leave everything as it is, the energies can knock on the door in a less pleasant way until the next new moon, or throughout the year - but this is only for our good, because life wants us to wake up and follow our true destiny .”

solar eclipseUltimately, it is primarily about allowing new living conditions to become manifest and letting go of the old or allowing it to exist, a process that is taking on ever greater dimensions, especially in the current age of spiritual awakening, and, above all, is becoming increasingly important for humanity . The new moon in particular plays a special role here, because new moons are always accompanied by a tendency to new living conditions and the experience of new circumstances. You want to find new life, break your own comfort zone, leave old structures in order to be able to expand your own creative space (we are the space in which everything happens) in completely new directions. It therefore remains exciting and today's energies make a lot possible. At this point I would also like to briefly refer to yesterday's energetic influences, which were quite strong. Not only was a disturbance in the earth's magnetic field measured (see upper image), but also stronger impulses related to the planetary resonance frequency (see lower image).Influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency

The probability that correspondingly stronger impulses will reach us today remains high. Well, last but not least, parallel to all the influences, Uranus goes direct at 21:10 p.m. In this regard, each planet brings with it completely individual aspects/themes. A retrograde planet (distance) is often associated with conflicts. One could also say that corresponding topics that are not in harmony are highlighted more intensively. Uranus, for example, is often seen as a planet of change and liberation. Variety, knowledge, freedom and individuality also go hand in hand with Uranus, which is why directness can benefit us greatly in this respect. Change, change, transformation and cleansing are currently in full swing anyway and thanks to Uranus going direct, all of these aspects can be experienced even more intensively. The focus here is particularly on change, which is why we can make perfect use of the “upheaval energies”. One could also say that we are now increasingly being asked to embrace the new and to welcome change instead of chasing old patterns. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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