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Today's daily energy on December 06th, 2019 is mainly influenced by the influences of the second portal day (the ten-day portal day series) continues to shape and consolidate our ideas about ourselves, especially in relation to high ones (high frequency/divine) Ideas about ourselves. After all, the last days of December are accompanied by extremely bright energy and, as we have already mentioned several times, prepare us for the coming golden decade.

A new reality

Bright daysFor this reason, today will also bring us consciousness-changing impulses and strengthen the return to our own creator consciousness. Ultimately, the focus is on a change/further development of our own self-image, because in order to experience the highest divine spirit or a creator consciousness, it is imperative that we revive a corresponding divine image of ourselves. Otherwise, i.e. if we ourselves are still subject to beliefs and beliefs that keep us small and limiting (I myself am not the origin - just a speck of dust in the universe - limitation of one's imagination due to lack of knowledge about one's own mind), then we revive a limited self-image, from which a limited reality also emerges. You then constantly allow a low-frequency reality to come to life or a reality in which you are not aware of your own true source. As a result, we in turn attract external circumstances that are based on this limited self-image. The image of ourselves, consisting mainly of beliefs, convictions and views of the world (from your own world/yourself), is always accompanied by appropriate sensations, which then become manifest in the external world.

The creation of reality and the fulfillment of wishes is largely shaped by the image that we in turn bring to life of ourselves - every day. For this reason, entering into our highest creative spirit or into the highest creator consciousness is also so incredibly powerful, because only with the manifestation of the highest image of oneself are we put in a position to experience the highest views and feelings that go with it to attract (to create) the external world, in the form of all life circumstances. And once we understand why we ourselves represent the one Creator (since everything in existence is created by oneself - everything is based on one's imagination - everything is imagination - your entire life represents the idea of ​​yourself, within and within external - it's all your energy/your mind/your thought/your imagination - What you perceive on the outside ONLY reflects yourself - your reality that you have created as a creator - because imagine something, another creator, what is this creator, ONLY your idea of ​​another creator - a new person comes into your life, what is this person? An "aspect" that has moved into your perception, into your imagination, into your consciousness. What can you do afterwards ? Imagine this person - he has become a part of your mind, he was created by you and can henceforth be lived/experienced by imagining him. EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE IS BASED ONLY ON YOUR IMAGINATION - YOU ARE THE CREATOR) , if we can feel this - because we ourselves have dissolved all limiting and small-minded conditioned beliefs (usually starting with increased questioning of the system or life), then we create a life that we could never even imagine in our wildest dreams would have. A new world is born..!!

We attract into our lives what we are and what we radiate and we radiate that or are that, which in turn corresponds to the idea of ​​ourselves. Well, the current days and today will therefore strengthen our own divine spirit even more or even give us countless opportunities through which we will in turn be able to recognize our own highest divine spirit in the form of a new self-image. The gates are open and the potential to recognize yourself has never been as great as it is now. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


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    • Gisela Zwicknagl 8. December 2019, 0: 33

      Am I on the right path?

    Gisela Zwicknagl 8. December 2019, 0: 33

    Am I on the right path?
