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Today's daily energy on April 06, 2021 is mainly characterized by the influences of the meanwhile eighth portal day and on the other hand by the waning moon, which in turn has been in the zodiac sign Aquarius since noon yesterday (the change took place at 15:09). For this reason, the focus is on influences that align our minds with freedom and independence.Especially because of the waning moon, all the old states and associated sensations, beliefs, blockages, and circumstances (heavy/burdening energies) dissolve, through which we in turn revive a reality in which we are subject to self-imposed shackles.

state of independence

state of independenceIt is therefore a perfect combination that can draw us into a state of spiritual purification/liberation. And since we are now in April, i.e. in the second month of spring, which is also associated with a special mood of departure/upheaval like no other month, a liberation from burdensome mental structures and consequently restricted living conditions is generally optimal. Ultimately, I have to say that these upheaval influences are extremely noticeable. Of course, not only the current drastic change in weather shows us rapid changes (Suddenly it got very windy and cool again, maybe the last cool phase just before the full spring and summer manifestation - now I'm longing for it), there is a general feeling that a lot of things are simply being reorganized at the moment and that there is a real high-speed change between dimensions (states of consciousness) takes place. No two days are the same and you are literally shot through different worlds/states. April is generally ALWAYS a very changeable month, but this time it breaks all boundaries. And of course, the first 8 days of April are portal days, which started the month very stormy/intensive and, in addition, the resurrection festival reached us right at the beginning (the energy of the returning Christ Consciousness), but regardless, there is simply a special transcending and highly accelerated quality of energy in the air. The second year of the golden decade, in which the world or the illusory system is also upside down in an unprecedented way, leads the collective into even deeper levels of awakening and activates more and more divine structures in this regard.

→ Final extension until the tenth portal day on April 08th: DO NOT FEAR a crisis. Don't be afraid of bottlenecks, but LEARN TO SUPPORT YOURSELF ALWAYS AND AT ANY TIME. This course will teach you how to collect basic food (MEDICAL PLANTS) from nature on a daily basis. Everywhere and above all at any time!!!! LIFT YOUR SPIRIT UP!!!! 

Well, ultimately I wouldn't be surprised if some special events or even major public upheavals took place in April. As I said, a lot is happening in the background anyway and all the circumstances in the world are getting worse and worse. The cabal is running out of time or the knowledge of the inevitable spiritual ascent is also fully present there. And finally, so many people have woken up (never underestimate the number – we are very, very many), so that we find ourselves in a phase in which, like a chain reaction, more and more people are initiated into deeper knowledge, be it about the illusory system or even about their own divinity/creative power, and this in turn strengthens the manifestation of a global reality at the end of the day, in which the world has completely ascended. And today's eighth portal day, along with the waning Aquarius moon, will let us feel this change/upheaval. So let us meet the day with mindfulness. Our personal lives in particular can change in a flash at the moment. Abundance is waiting to be experienced/accepted by us. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Maya Balli 6. April 2021, 9: 12

      Thank you it is always valuable to read these lines to continue creating the thoughts.

    Maya Balli 6. April 2021, 9: 12

    Thank you it is always valuable to read these lines to continue creating the thoughts.
