Today's daily energy on May 05th, 2020 is mainly characterized by strong light inflows and impulses, continuing the very stormy beginning of May. In this context, the first four days of this month have been so far Yes, it was also extremely transformative and gave us incredible potential for change. Aside from strong conflict resolution and a highly reflective state of consciousness (see my last daily energy article), you can also perceive a further, very violent expansion of your own mind in further, higher frequency directions.
In this regard, my day yesterday, for example, went in a very similar direction, i.e. I became aware of some new aspects that were previously hidden from me. Well, of course, due to the worldwide awakening process (from which it is difficult to escape, but in which more and more people are consciously finding themselves and will soon find themselves consciously - IT WILL REACH EVERYONE & THE OUTCRY WILL BE GREAT - THAT IS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED FOR YEARS AND EVEN THESE DISCREDIT AND DEMONSTRATED WHO REPORTED ALL OF THIS INFORMATION) the intensity in the collective consciousness is continually increasing, which is driving collective change forward, but the first days of May overshadow everything that has come before. For this reason, we can also assume that there will be more extremely violent days ahead. Everything serves the overarching goal, namely the liberation of human civilization or the collective spirit from its self-imposed captivity (Limited Mind – Favored by the illusion system). And in this regard, we should never forget that this liberation is currently taking place and will be 100% successful. In the background everything is permeated by a divine intelligence (as inside so outside - the return/entry of one's own divine consciousness paves the way for corresponding awarenesses on the outside), the act of liberation is therefore unstoppable.
Violent resonance frequency anomalies
The resistance, which in turn is provided by mass media, state and social authorities, only causes the opposite and ultimately only ensures that more people awaken. The world is becoming more and more questioned and in the coming times we will see more and more people breaking out of their own delusion and beginning to see through collective enslavement. The severity and speed of the destructive state measures therefore ONLY triggers opposite processes. Therefore, believe me, even those who are currently still resisting the rise with all their might, i.e. allowing themselves to be completely deceived, blindly trusting the mass media complex and thereby exposing their woke fellow human beings to ridicule and denouncing them (and in the same breath portray yourself as tolerant, open-minded and unprejudiced - which is extremely paradoxical, i.e. you claim to be tolerant, but in the same breath exclude people for their system-critical opinions), will soon experience a rethink.

The planetary resonance frequency has completely escalated in the past few days and especially yesterday. The transformation energies are therefore incredible..!!!!
We will therefore see more and more people who have suddenly adopted a questioning state of consciousness and consequently reveal their new views, just as many people have already done and are currently doing (I have now experienced a lot of people who have woken up due to the Corona situation or have begun to question the system - of course some are still desperately clinging to the system and ONLY believe mass media information - television/print - that is their “god”/one of their gods, yet countless people are already changing their ways, waking up and realizing that all these controlled institutions ONLY prevent you from awakening to God yourself: “Whoever is new and can’t do anything with this line I recommend the following video series on my YouTube channel: “The highest level of knowledge part 1-3”). Well, ultimately today will join this strong energy and lead the world even deeper into the awakening process. The intensity is enormous. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂
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