Today's daily energy on January 05th, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which changed to the zodiac sign Capricorn at 19:58 p.m. yesterday evening and on the other hand by the portal day circumstance, because today represents a portal day, to be precise second portal day this year (the next one follows on January 10th). In this context, I would also like to briefly talk about the importance of portal days, simply because some time has passed in the meantime and the question of what portal days actually are has been asked again and again in recent times.
portal day energies
As far as this is concerned, portal days represent days that can be traced back to the Mayan calendar (or a Mayan calendar, since the Mayan calendar is, roughly speaking, made up of several calendars - the Maya used several complementary calendars for different purposes) and always indicate a special energy quality . For this reason, such days are often accompanied by increased activity regarding the planetary resonance frequency, or with tremors in the earth's magnetic field. It is also often said that the veil to subtle worlds is thinner. Here one could also speak of a deepening of our own state of being, i.e. on appropriate days we can experience our own mental life more intensely, recognize inner conflicts if necessary and experience more intense circumstances or, better said, states of consciousness as a whole. Especially if we resonate with the energetic circumstance or become emotionally involved in the energetic movements, then the effect of these days can be perceived in a special way. Especially in the current overarching phase of spiritual awakening, we are asked to clean up old structures in order to create more space for new (more nature-friendly) living conditions and that is what always characterizes such days. And since there is generally a very consciousness-expanding energy quality at the moment, on days like this we can be increasingly drawn to our source, which is not only spiritual in nature, but also has high-frequency aspects at its core. It feels like the intensity of these days is getting stronger, especially as humanity manifests a more pronounced spiritual consciousness day by day. One could therefore also claim that these days represent special interfaces that are always accompanied by an acceleration in the awakening process. The new wants to be experienced by us and “old/wrong” ego personalities that we have adopted within this system for countless incarnations are becoming less and less durable. The new, i.e. new, high-frequency states of consciousness (everything is spiritual in nature at its core - everything is based on consciousness), are therefore becoming more and more present.
The key to enjoying a happy and fulfilling life is the state of consciousness. That's the gist. – Dalai Lama..!!
We are in an extremely exciting time and, especially after the extremely stormy last few months, we are experiencing a massive escalation in all processes. In the same way, we attract more and more circumstances into our lives that correspond to our true nature. Of course, at the end of the day we always attract circumstances into our lives that correspond to our own frequency, but it becomes special when we have created a spiritual basis that is strongly oriented towards nature, because then we attract circumstances into our lives that that go hand in hand with these fundamental aspects of our being. One could also say that, especially as we become more and more aware of it, circumstances/states that are accompanied by strong magical sensations come into our lives (aspects that are intended for us on this level of consciousness). Today, corresponding events/circumstances in life could also be experienced again more intensively and we will once again become aware of special aspects of our lives (an aspect that I will definitely live through due to past, extremely interesting events). Well, since a new moon will reach us tomorrow, these facets will definitely be strengthened again and we can experience (or review) completely new states. Today's portal day goes hand in hand with tomorrow's new moon and heralds an extremely exciting two-day phase. But what will happen in detail and how we will find out these days remains to be seen. But one thing is certain and that is that, due to these strong energies, we will increasingly attract things that correspond to our frequency. The individual mental quality of each person is crucial. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂