Today's daily energy on December 05th, 2018 is still characterized by the moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio, which is why a circumstance can still prevail that is not only of an intense nature, but also makes us much more emotional, sensitive, but can also be ambitious and persistent. On the other hand, we could also increasingly pursue our own truthfulness and, as a result, advance our self-realization.
Unveiling & manifestation potential
In this context, our self-realization is currently felt to be our top priority and, due to the special quality of energy, we can initiate a personal unveiling more strongly than ever. In exactly the same way, there is also an extraordinarily strong manifestation potential, which means that we can not only strive for corresponding goals (mental desires, etc.), but we can also immediately experience new views, beliefs, convictions and, above all, feelings. A change in different states of consciousness, i.e. immersion in a changed mental state, can be experienced much more quickly, because the high-frequency phase illuminates our entire state of being, which means that permanent changes within one's own thinking can be experienced. And the current weeks/days in particular are accompanied by countless changes, a circumstance that many people report. Of course, change and transformation are a fundamental principle and the world is always changing, the same applies to human civilization, but this is currently happening at an extremely accelerated pace. Especially since, in contrast to previous centuries, changes are taking place that gradually not only draw us into nature, but also allow us to grow spiritually, i.e. massive progress is made within our own incarnation process (the time is predestined for this).
The secret of the extraordinary man is, in most cases, nothing but consequence. – Buddha..!!
For this reason, isolated days can become more and more important for us and, if we are mindful, can also show us our spiritual growth. Personally, I have to admit that the current days are extremely instructive and I receive completely different impulses every day, sometimes even completely new views and intentions. It is therefore truly a special time. Well, last but not least, I would like to introduce you to a new video of mine in which I philosophize a little about Nirvana and explain why everything ultimately represents states of consciousness and such high states also go hand in hand with a final incarnation. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂