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Today's daily energy on April 05th, 2020 will continue to give us frequency influences, through which we will not only continue to have countless opportunities to further develop our own mind/body/spirit system, i.e. to immerse ourselves even more deeply in a 5D consciousness (high frequency/knowing/divine/golden state of consciousness), but also be able to experience how the world completely unveils itself and the mass of awakened people (people become gods) is getting bigger and bigger.

People become gods

People become godsUltimately, the sentence: “People become gods” gets right to the point, because exactly this circumstance is currently taking place to the greatest possible extent, i.e. humanity is awakening again to that (sparks a new consciousness within yourself), which corresponds to their deepest and greatest potential, namely the divine (God consciousness - being aware that you yourself, as the creator of all things, - since everything on the outside ONLY emerged from yourself, only takes place within yourself and only represents a THOUGHT PROJECTION of your own inner world into the outside, - everything is based ONLY on our own imagination, every person, every living being, everything became reality through ourselves, by letting corresponding people come into our perception, by forming ideas about something, that's how we create - ours we have ourselves throughout our lives, AS A CREATOR, create - 

And the transformation towards fully awakened God-people, i.e. people who leave their old 3D apparent reality (a lower/small self-image - ungodly self-image) and spiritually tune into a high-frequency/divine reality, is currently flowing through the entire human civilization.

Planetary resonance frequency

Even the Schumann Resonance diagram showed some strong anomalies in the last few days, especially the day before yesterday. Aside from the seven hours when strong energetic inflows reached us, a black shift and an extremely rare pattern were previously recorded. The influences definitely spoke for themselves and underline the intensity of the past few days..!!

The change and the acceleration that comes with it is incredible and from day to day you receive more impulses about this new time and, above all, about your own divinity than ever before. In this context, I again achieved strong expansions of consciousness and was able to experience my own feeling of a corresponding divine state much more strongly. And along with this, the certainty that countless old structures are currently crumbling in the background, truths are being uncovered and we are heading straight towards the golden age (Of course, it was already extremely present before, but this feeling and basic trust increased again immeasurably -——- appropriately, the gold theme was also extremely present - the gold vibration/frequency has an extremely healing and rejuvenating effect - gold consciousness - the golden mean, the golden ratio, gold always goes hand in hand with harmony, and it also speaks extremely strongly to the heart chakra). Well, we are truly in a unique time and soon we will experience miracles and advances that will push all boundaries. The world or the matrix has fallen apart, but from the shadow of this old world a new, wondrous and golden world emerges. We are currently experiencing the most significant transition in human history. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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    • Love Namaste 5. April 2020, 15: 00

      Thank you 🙂

    Love Namaste 5. April 2020, 15: 00

    Thank you 🙂
