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daily energy

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On the one hand, today's daily energy on October 04th, 2018 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Cancer, which is why influences are still present through which our own mental life is much more pronounced and is in the foreground. On the other hand, strong influences still have an impact on us as a whole, because today is also a portal day. To be precise, this is also the first portal day of this month.

portal day energies

portal day energiesFor this reason, today will definitely bring with it a lot of transformation potential and will also stimulate the current spiritual change on this planet. High-energy phases or portal days in particular tend to trigger a real acceleration in the process of spiritual awakening, i.e. more people are confronted with philosophical, spiritual and, above all, system-critical topics and this in turn increases the potential of the critical mass (the more people The more aware you are of something, the more these thoughts/feelings experience a collective manifestation). But your own mind is also very much in the foreground on such days and can lead to us humans gaining a deeper insight into our current lives. In this context it should also be said that our planet has been experiencing a permanent increase in frequency for several years. Here we also speak of a transformation towards the fifth dimension. This means a transition to a harmonious and peaceful state. For this reason, we humans are also asked, whether consciously or subconsciously, to increase our own frequency, which means we are often confronted with “damaging” living conditions, thoughts and behavior, because all of these “shadow-heavy” structures keep our own frequency low. Because of the cleansing energies, a change takes place, through which we gradually reach a more luminous state of consciousness. Today will definitely be of great benefit to our own development and may be responsible for a certain rethinking. Of course, this does not necessarily have to be the case and contrary experiences can also become manifest.

If you find your here and now unbearable and it makes you unhappy, then there are three options: leave the situation, change it or accept it completely. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of these three options, and you must make the choice now. – Eckhart Tolle..!!

In the same way, due to the strong energetic influences, we can feel quite energetic and, as a result, experience a state in which we are very accomplished. Every person is completely individual and deals with energetically strong days in an individual way. Well, otherwise it should be said that the moon changes to the zodiac sign Leo late in the evening, to be precise at 23:11 p.m., which is why influences will have an effect on us over the next few days through which we will not only experience a more pronounced self-confidence but also there could also be an increased orientation towards the outside (but more on that in tomorrow's daily energy article). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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