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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

On the one hand, today's daily energy on November 04th, 2019 is still influenced by the Aquarius Moon (whereby we can increasingly direct our own minds towards freedom) and on the other side from the last portal day of the ten-day portal day series. The high-energy phase in which we were not only able to find ourselves more strongly, but also a lot We were able to clear up what was unresolved and is now coming to an end, leaving us with a strong foundation with which we can get off to a flying start in November.

Conclusion & completion

After all, portals have been open over the past ten days, allowing increased access to our inner world. Whether special self-knowledge, the dissolution of one's own old 3D patterns, the becoming aware of corresponding patterns, an expansion of one's own mind in completely new directions, a powerful/renewing meeting with fellow human beings (family, friends etc. which at the end of the day represent your own inner world - You are everything & everything is you - The relationship with other people always reflects the relationship with yourself) or even visions that put you in a creative mood (and now go hand in hand with a corresponding implementation - getting started in November - setting the course for the coming golden decade), we were able to experience all of these circumstances/conditions in the portal day phase. In keeping with the final months of this decade, this portal day phase was extremely important and gave our transformation an important and, above all, huge finishing touch. You could really feel how much healing came to us during these days and, above all, how perfect these days were (In this regard, a lot of people also had to struggle with illnesses or other unpleasant symptoms, but this ultimately only points to the strong transformation. Especially since illness is always one thing - healing of your own mind/body/spirit system). In this context, I felt like I experienced a wide variety of moods during these ten days. From energetic, visionary moments to extremely relaxing states, it felt like everything was there, even if the overall mood was more withdrawn, visionary and relaxed. On the other hand, I was also confronted with an enormous number of things and experienced a significant deepening of my own perception, i.e. the automatic interpretation of the things that come to me every day was even more pronounced.

All the things that reach us every day, be it encounters with people, animals or things in general that come into our own perception, essentially carry a deeper meaning and not only reflect our own state of being or our inner world, but also also carry an important message. Mainly rooted in the mind, these messages are often not recognized - the world is viewed too rationally - everything is then a coincidence or even meaningless for oneself. But the more we enter into our heart and, above all, consciously experience our intuitive/sensitive powers, the more we can feel the meaning behind all daily events - in relation to ourselves - since we ourselves as the origin/source are everything. And at some point one thing emerges, namely the fact that everything in life or an entire day is a coordinated/perfect network of events that not only leads us more to ourselves, but also shows us our development leads. Ultimately, a reverse situation occurs and because of your own sharpened senses, because of your own opened third eye and, above all, because of the pronounced sensitivity that comes with it, you are then always aware of the deeper meaning behind every circumstance that comes into your own perception , consciously. Nothing is then a coincidence anymore. Everything is then much more a reflection of your own self. A message/energy that reaches you, created by yourself - since, as I said, you yourself are everything outside - everything is your own energy. The view of the world or rather the experience of the world (your own world) becomes completely different..!!

Well, ultimately it was ten very important days in which the collective mind passed through a portal to a new/higher level of consciousness. We have arrived at a new level or in a new state, i.e. a much more sensitive state in which all of our new experiences and insights, bundled, have led us into a new frequency. And this new energy would like to be implemented in November. Even if it is the beginning of the dark months, i.e. months in which the focus is on returning to ourselves, everything is pushing us (In itself, precisely because of this, because the return to ourselves - our true self, is based on creativity/implementation - well, in itself it is based on everything^^ You yourself as the origin contain everything) into the active use of our creative power for a new world. The beginning of the golden decade is only two months away from us and until then we will be drawn into a very strong frequency of action - so that we ourselves can ultimately usher in the golden age. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Sue 4. November 2019, 9: 08

      Thank you

    Sue 4. November 2019, 9: 08

    Thank you
