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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on November 04th, 2018 is shaped on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Libra at 10:00 a.m. and on the other hand by strong influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency or lingering influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency, because yesterday and especially the day before yesterday we received extraordinarily strong impulses in this regard (see picture linked below).

Harmonious bonds

Harmonious bonds

For twelve hours we received an extremely strong energy quality, which really shook us up and also strengthened the lunar influences. As expected, the beginning of November is already marked by intense energetic movements and as a result continues the intensity of October. We can therefore be curious to see how energy quality will develop in the coming days and weeks. The fact is that another new moon will reach us on November 07th and it can be very cleansing and upsetting again. Planetary resonance frequencyOtherwise, as far as today is concerned, the influences of the Libra Moon will still have an effect on us. In this context, the next two to three days will be accompanied by influences through which we will strengthen We might feel a desire for harmony, love, partnership and, above all, harmonious bonds and interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, this could also make us very receptive to other people's feelings, i.e. we are (possibly) more sensitive in this respect and have more pronounced empathic abilities, at least this would be the case if we were filled with the influences of the Libra Moon resonate. Otherwise it should be said that the influences of a “Libra Moon” can also trigger a certain tendency towards self-discipline in us. Other possible influences and properties would be the following:

“People with Moon in Libra sense exactly what others are thinking and feeling and needing about them. But they need a lot of harmony in all relationships, especially close ones, otherwise their emotional health suffers. In general, it is rather difficult for them to act spontaneously, because to a certain extent they always have to follow protocol and within conventions, which often makes them seem a bit fake, even though they are really friendly towards everyone. They are aesthetic and have artistic talent. Their need for contact and exchange is real and they only feel whole when they are in a relationship.

The full Moon in Libra is lively and expresses his feelings freely. He can understand the emotional state of others well and is receptive to the feelings of others, because these also enliven him. It is therefore communicative and binding. He is charming and sociable, has a real esthete to offer and actually just wants to please everyone with his pleasant manner. He dresses elegantly and tastefully and knows how to get compliments. Most people with a Moon in Libra have a good reputation.”

In this sense stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂

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Libra Moon Source: http://www.astroschmid.ch/mondzeichen/mond_in_waage.php

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