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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on June 04th, 2018 is characterized on the one hand by two different star constellations and on the other hand by the moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius. On the other hand, stronger influences regarding the planetary resonance frequency continue to reach us, i.e. things continue to be stormy overall. Of course, the portal day series is over and in that respect The days will no longer be too intense, but you should not underestimate the stronger impulses.

Today's constellations

daily energySun (Gemini) trine Moon (Aquarius)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 120°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”] Harmonious in nature
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 03:22

The trine between Sun and Moon (Yin-Yang) brings us happiness in general, life success, health well-being, vitality and promotes overall harmony with parents and family. There can be similarities within a partnership.

daily energyMoon (Aquarius) square Jupiter (Scorpio)
[wp-svg-icons icon="loop" wrap="i"] Angular relationship 90°
[wp-svg-icons icon=”sad” wrap=”i”] Disharmonic nature
[wp-svg-icons icon="clock" wrap="i"] Became active at 07:09

Because of this square, we could be in a much more rebellious mood and may be prone to extravagance and wastefulness. Conflicts and disadvantages could arise in love relationships, which is why this constellation also clashes with the previous trine. The extent to which the influences will have an impact and how our mind will be aligned depends, as always, entirely on us and the use of our own mental abilities.

Geomagnetic Storm Intensity (K Index)

daily energyThe planetary K-index, or the extent of geomagnetic activity and storms, is rather minor today.

Current Schumann resonance frequency

Regarding the planetary resonance frequency, despite the end of the portal day series, very strong influences still reached us. In this context, strong impulses reached us in the early hours of the morning and at night. We will certainly receive more impulses as the day progresses. Overall, things continue to be stormy.

Influences Schumann resonance

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Today's daily energetic influences are mainly shaped by the two lunar constellations and the stronger impulses regarding the planetary resonance frequency, which is why today could also be more intense in nature. Of course, this does not necessarily have to be the case. When it comes to this, our personal interactions are very important. In the same way, countless other factors also play a decisive role here, for example our current lifestyle, our diet and the orientation of our mind. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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Moon Constellations Source: https://www.schicksal.com/Horoskope/Tageshoroskop/2018/Juni/4
Intensity of geomagnetic storms Source: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/planetary-k-index
Schumann resonance frequency Source: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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