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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on January 04th, 2018 still represents our creativity and can awaken our artistic streak or encourage us to dedicate ourselves to artistic activities. Ultimately, we experience a strong intuitive expression and our intuitive abilities are therefore the focus. Instead of acting purely analytically, i.e. instead of acting from our male parts or even a harmony To experience male and female aspects, today our female aspects are in the foreground and we can be dreamy + emotional.

Our intuitive, feminine aspects

In this context, every human being also has male and female parts. We often act from male/analytical or female/intuitive parts. One facet often predominates and we tend to act out of one aspect in many moments of our lives. For example, there are people who are very analytically oriented and tend to trust their own gut feeling less. On the other hand, there are people who have very strong intuitive and emotional abilities and, in this regard, focus on their analytical, i.e. intellectual, abilities. Here it is important to create a balance between the two parts. Whether our female or our male parts, both sides want to be lived instead of suppressed. Balance is also a key word here, because it is very beneficial for our own prosperity if we manifest a state of consciousness in which balance prevails. It is very beneficial for our own physical and psychological constitution if we are in balance and at the same time in harmony with nature and life itself. On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning that we humans are essentially neither feminine nor masculine, at least this is clear when you look at our own minds.

Every human being has female and male parts. It is very beneficial for our own prosperity if we bring both parts into balance instead of undermining one side..!!

Apart from that, the mind is space-timeless (everything is spiritual in nature, the world is an immaterial projection of our own state of consciousness - you can imagine whatever you want without space-time influencing your own mental imagination process) and is constantly expanding (you expand your own Consciousness constantly around new information), mind is at its core neither male nor female.

Three star constellations

Three star constellationsOf course, one could also represent spirit as the male counterpart to the soul, but poles arise much more from spirit (our original ground is polarity-free). Our female or even our male expression is a manifestation that becomes particularly apparent in our bodies. Well, apart from our intuitive and creative abilities, three star constellations also affect us today. So at 10:33 a.m. a negative aspect reached us, namely a square between the Moon and Mars (in the zodiac sign Scorpio), which made us easily agitated and possibly argumentative or even rash. There was a risk of quarrels with the opposite sex. Waste in money matters, repression of feelings and moodiness could also be the result. At 12:33 p.m. another negative aspect creates a square between the moon and Jupiter (in the zodiac sign Scorpio). This square can be responsible for our tendency towards extravagance and waste. Conflicts and disadvantages could arise in love relationships. Apart from this, the bile and liver could be particularly vulnerable to this constellation.

Today's influences are particularly influenced by 3 star constellations. We received a negative connection in the morning, another negative connection reached us in the morning and at the end of the day we experienced the positive effects of a connection between the Moon and Mercury..!! 

Last but not least, at 19:51 p.m. a positive aspect reaches us, i.e. a trine between the Moon and Mercury, which at the end of the day can give us a great ability to learn, a good mind, quick wit, a talent for languages ​​and good judgment. Likewise, our rhetorical skills could then be much more developed and we are open to everything new. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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