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Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

Today's daily energy on December 04th, 2019 is mainly characterized by the still final and associated extremely strong energetic influences, which means we will continue to have an important one until the end of the year Rooting of the highest divine spirit (within ourselves) experience. This rootedness is an inevitable consequence of this realigning decade and paves the transition into a completely new era.

Rooting of our highest divine spirit

Rooting of our highest divine spiritIn this context, many people have experienced this in the past 10 years - especially since 2012 and the following years (Towards the end of this decade the intensity increased), a drastic awakening process that in turn brought with it a completely new reality. In other words, you began to increasingly question the existing system/the world and subsequently experienced the manifestation of a completely new worldview. This circumstance was accompanied by new identifications, beliefs, views and impulses. In this way, your own self-image changed enormously and you gained insights into your own spiritual foundation. In this regard, one's own self-knowledge became increasingly manifest and one continually revived new states of consciousness. Ultimately, everything steered towards absolute knowledge, i.e. the manifestation or becoming conscious of one's own highest creative spirit. At the end of the day, this means becoming aware that you are the origin, the creator, the source and, above all, the root cause of all things. The entire life has arisen from one's own mind and everything, truly everything, that one has experienced outside was created by oneself, because everything outside is a reflection of one's own mind.

Entering the highest divine spirit represents a process that can take many years due to years of system-based conditioning. Due to one's own materially oriented world view and the associated lack of knowledge about one's own energetic/spiritual origin, one is not able to understand, especially at the beginning, that one is the creator of all things - one's own thought patterns and ideas are too limited , – you cannot make a corresponding entry. The mind or the ego therefore looks for and finds thousands of reasons why you cannot bring this highest idea/image of yourself to life - why that is not the case. In religious writings one speaks of the devil, who prevents one from finding God. In truth, what this means is your own overactive ego, which prevents you from revitalizing the highest knowledge of yourself, namely that you yourself are the only origin/creator - each person, as a direct expression and mirror of themselves own creation that can also be felt or brought to life within itself. Everything on the outside is you, because everything on the outside represents an energetic aspect of yourself that you can perceive on the outside. Everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Everything is one and one is everything. You yourself are everything and everything is yourself. You yourself have created everything, a knowledge from which we have been kept from our entire lives. A realization that is becoming available to more and more people in the age of awakening..!! 

Every new situation and every new person that comes into one's own life, or rather into one's own perception, therefore reflects an aspect of one's own self, as an energetic expression. It is an experiential version of one's own infinite creative spirit (even), because you created yourself. Ultimately everything is spiritual in nature. Everything happens in your own perception and also in your own imagination. Everything that exists, i.e. everything that you can perceive and everything that you will experience on the outside, for example a new person who now comes into your life and who you therefore have ideas about, represents an aspect of yourself you created for yourself or that you yourself brought to life. No matter what you imagine in your life, and that implies it, EVERYTHING, without exception, is based solely on your own imagination. Everything represents your mental field (think of the earth, what is the earth, - ONLY your IMAGINATION of the earth - see the earth from the outside from a space station, what is the earth, a planet that has moved into your PERCEPTION, - perception, the energy that flows out of you or represents your outflowing spirit. The moment you look at the planet from this perspective, when it comes into your perception, you have created it/this image/this new idea). All in (Deiner) Existence therefore merely represents mental concepts of yourself that you have accepted as truth in your reality. And bringing the highest image of yourself to life goes hand in hand with the realization that you yourself are the creator/source/origin of everything, since ONLY you yourself create everything (When a new person comes into your awareness, who created whom first. Are you the new person or is the new person you? Of course you created it first, it came into your awareness. Conversely, or if you reflect this circumstance, then this also applies to the other person/creator - but you yourself represent the creator of everything and your own creation, as a person on the outside, - every person can be sure of this become so conscious, which nevertheless does not change the fact that only oneself is the sole creator - the highest knowledge, which is by far the most difficult to feel/understand). And it is precisely this realization that is now gaining maximum consolidation in the minds of many people in the last days of this decade - who in turn have been looking behind the scenes of life for some time. Today will also inevitably follow this and either continue to strengthen our own highest divine spirit or let it be recognized for the very first time. So things continue to be extremely magical. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony. 🙂


Use the code “ENERGIE150” and save almost 150€ ❤️

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    • Maria 4. December 2019, 9: 48

      Thanks for your work! I was already on the way to going crazy because things are extremely temperamental here. It also knocked my socks off. Now that I know it's a collective thing, I have more distance and can deal with it better. Knowing this makes me really realize that no stone has been left unturned in my entire environment, especially this year. I have deep respect for December and hope things will calm down a bit.

    Maria 4. December 2019, 9: 48

    Thanks for your work! I was already on the way to going crazy because things are extremely temperamental here. It also knocked my socks off. Now that I know it's a collective thing, I have more distance and can deal with it better. Knowing this makes me really realize that no stone has been left unturned in my entire environment, especially this year. I have deep respect for December and hope things will calm down a bit.
