Today's daily energy on August 04th, 2019 is characterized on the one hand by the moon, which in turn changes to the zodiac sign Libra at 15:36 p.m. and on the other hand by overall very transformative and, above all, clarifying energetic influences. In this context has The intensity increased again enormously in the first days of August, but so far it has also been accompanied by a lot of clarification - incidentally a circumstance that will continue throughout August.
Highly transformative circumstance
In this context, we can also achieve a lot this month and raise our personal energy field, or rather our entire existence, to a completely new level (new/big personal advancement). We have laid the groundwork for this not only in the past consciousness-expanding years, but also in the last highly transformative months. In this regard, the harvest of our seeds reaches us ever faster. The potential for manifestation is accelerated like never before and the effects of our creative power reach us much faster. In other words, our current actions lead to the associated results much more quickly. The principle of cause and effect shows its effects much more quickly, which is why it is now even more important to be careful with your own mind/body/spirit system or with your own creative power. We can now initiate a life-changing transformation. Everything points to this and the more we adapt to change (the increased collective frequency), the more enlightening and, above all, “full” the days will be for us. Ultimately, I was able to clean up a lot of things in my life in the last few days and thereby rise out of an extremely turbulent/shadow-heavy circumstance (Transformation of a stressful situation). Clarification takes place across the board and all of our personal areas of interference experience a cleansing of unimagined proportions.
Therefore, each individual's “own way” is the “own way” of the universe, of the Tao. Because all living things depend on each other, if they are left alone and not forced to conform to some arbitrary, artificial and abstract concept of order, they will be in harmony, and this harmony is tzu-jan, of itself, without external coercion. – Alan Watts..!!
Well, apart from the basic energy, which is completely designed for clarification, the Libra Moon also leads us into a corresponding clarification. After all, the Libra Moon stands for the creation of a balanced living situation like no other zodiac sign (Balance) and wants to bring about harmony in interpersonal relationships. Ultimately, the coming days will be all about a corresponding balance and in this regard will fully challenge us to reach a corresponding balanced state of consciousness. We can therefore bring about a tremendous amount of clarification (Clarification on the outside/harmony in interpersonal relationships = clarification/harmony with ourselves – everything arises from within ourselves, everything is ignited within us). With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.
Thank you, that all sounds wonderful, but for me the opposite is the case! I've been dizzy all day since I got up in the morning. I hurt myself so much, was really shy, pushed myself several times, stumbled and, and, and... that made me really aggressive towards myself! It was unbearable and I really questioned everything. I was about to hit a wall. Now I'm at home and I feel totally burnt out.