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daily energy

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Today's daily energy on August 04th, 2018 is still shaped by the moon in the zodiac sign Taurus and, as a result, by influences through security, our well-being, comfort, a penchant for calm and, overall, an alignment with us could be pronounced at home. This also means that there is a certain tendency towards sociability, but also towards safety.

Still influenced by the Taurus Moon

daily energyOn the other hand, four different lunar constellations also affect us. In this context, three of the constellations became effective during the night. As far as this is concerned, it also started at 01:38 a.m. with a square between the Moon and Mars, which, especially at this time, stood for easy excitability, a certain argumentativeness and moodiness. At 02:33 a.m. a conjunction between the Moon and Uranus took effect, which could have caused a certain lack of inner balance and unreasonable views to be present during the night. The next constellation came into effect at 04:06 a.m., namely a trine between the Moon and Saturn, through which we were able to experience, or can still experience, an increased sense of responsibility, organizational talent and sense of duty during the night and early in the morning. We could also pursue goals set by this constellation with care and consideration. Last but not least, an opposition between the Moon and Jupiter takes effect at 23:49 p.m., which in turn represents extravagance and a tendency to waste.

Forget the idea of ​​becoming someone - you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You just have to realize it, realize it. – Osho..!!

Nevertheless, it should be expressly mentioned again that all the supposedly disharmonious moods are mainly not caused by various lunar constellations, but by ourselves, because after all we are the creators of our own reality and are subsequently responsible for our own state of mind. Various lunar influences can promote corresponding moods, but our own mental orientation is always largely responsible for what we ultimately experience. With this in mind, stay healthy, happy and live a life in harmony.

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